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Sets =/= M O Cs



I shall reiterate-


Sets =/= MoCs.


Sets are created to be playthings. MoCs are created primarily for artistic purposes.

Sets are designed to sell, and must cater to the whims of the target audience. MoCs are designed to please the creator.

Sets have limited pieces per unit, for cost purposes. MoCs are limited only to however many pieces the builder has.


With these in mind, I have to ask-


Why do so many people expect Bionicle sets to essentially be MoCs? When I read over comments over LEGO's lack of "innovation" and "creativity", this question springs to mind. And I wonder why people set themselves up to be disappointed. They expect the sets to be on equivalent level with high-quality MoCs, and that will never happen, due to the fact that sets and MoCs are entirely different.


A nice allegory for this would be comparing two different writers. One writes children's novels, the other writes lengthy political and social commentaries. Would you expect the writer for the children's books to deeply examine the motives different politicians have for defending or rejecting a certain bill in one of their kid books? Would you expect the political writer to write something that goes along the lines of "Kid has dog, dog runs away, kid looks for dog, dog comes back home."? I, for one, certainly wouldn't hold either to the standard I would hold the other.


The moral of the story- Don't expect something to be what it is not.


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But the Inika, Barraki, and Glatorian are unique and fresh, or at least they were when they came out.

So there is hope for creativity on Lego's part. ;)

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I would expect that a company that prides itself on creativity and helping to develop the creative spirit of the little childrens would indeed have more challenging builds.


Just as I would expect a children's writer to not treat the childrens like a sack of dumb. (Which way too many do)


LEGO has its high points, however it also has its low points. Just because someone points that out doesn't make them wrong, or bitter, it just means they notice it.



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My MOCs = playthings (for me)


I mean I can see how it's kinda like an art, but do you really expect peeps to build giant dinosaur monsters and not play with them?

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