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Things Lost And Naughty People



January 20, 2008

Things Lost

*whistles* Wow, I have been really slack on my blog since the Vahki came around. I kinda started avoiding it because of the drama...xD Well, back in the swing of things now, I guess.

And unfortunately starting with bad news. Don't kill me. *whimpers*

On Sunday, my online friend Cole's mother passed away from cancer. She'd had it since July. His dad died about a year back, leaving him more or less orphaned. His sisters and brothers are staying with his grandparents until they graduate, whilst he's staying with his cousin. In a day, his whole family was split apart. There's a lot more to that store, but he requested I not share it.

The worst part is, today is his birthday, and he felt like everyone had abandoned him and didn't care about him. So I spiced up our forum's homepage, put his favorite song in a little Grooveshark widget (You Found Me by The Fray) and decided to throw a Club Penguin party. If you have a Club Penguin account--or are willing to make one--PM me and tell me you can come. I'm Egaro800, and I'll be on the server Thermal in the town at 5:00 EST unless our plans change.

JazzDawg, Kingdom Dark, and I are all pitching in to buy him two one-month CP memberships as a present. Which also reminds me--does anyone have a code for HTML confetti that we could add to the homepage? I'd very much appreciate it.

Naughty People

These naughty people, they posted gross stuff on my forum with Trojan Horse viruses planted in them that eat at your files and give your computer thousands of disgusting pop-ups. On top of that, it redirected to a site that automatically phished your password. We're trying to report them to the ICC or whatever...where would we go to do something like that?

They went as a group called Iamthewalrus. Sorry, Goo Goo Goo'Job, but I now officially hate your sign-off. :( And walruses...don't any of you dare leave a comment with a walrus in it. =DD

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