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Next Blog Contest?



[Pretend there's a banner here! It says, "Bones Blog"! :o]

Should I do a MOC contest again this time?

I know I said I've do the Makuta Jeopardy thing soon a long time ago, but there has been some trouble as Teridax has been killing Makuta left and right. Makuta DoomAH, who had offered to host it, has been taken to a refuge of Evil Lord Survurlode outside the Matoran Universe. As such I have been unable to contact him for an interview or to arrange this contest. In fact, we don't know for sure that he's still alive. More news when we have it.

Plus I still have to do the short story for the Monstery Mystery .ppt art winner. I think what will happen is the top three entries will be featured in the story as possible explanations for the mystery and only at the end will the top one be discovered to be at fault for the chaos going on. So all three would be considered part of the Paracosmos. :)

And... I'm kinda in a MOC contest mood. Just got no idea what the theme should be. :P


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I'm not sure on a theme, though. Also, will it be a "Second Chances" (along with new MOCs) contest again? Please?

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Yeah, will be 2nd and New MOCs split again.


One theme idea I was throwing around was this -- Blue MOCs. There are many more blue characters in the Paracosmos in various places than in the Cosmos. Of course, limiting the color like that might not be a popular idea. :P


It would fit well with the timing, though, as the reason for that will be revealed (or implied) by the end of the epic. Plus it would fit well with the next epic, which is tentatively titled "Endless Blue." (Though that refers primarily to the endless ocean -- I'm all for multiple meanings, heh.)


So there's another idea. I like the idea of free-for-all villainmaking too... Custom glat... eh, maybe. :P

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Wait, when did the last contest finish up?


Hmm... I'd like the idea of a MOC contest more if I had pieces to MOC with. ^_^



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Yeah, will be 2nd and New MOCs split again.


One theme idea I was throwing around was this -- Blue MOCs. There are many more blue characters in the Paracosmos in various places than in the Cosmos. Of course, limiting the color like that might not be a popular idea. :P


It would fit well with the timing, though, as the reason for that will be revealed (or implied) by the end of the epic. Plus it would fit well with the next epic, which is tentatively titled "Endless Blue." (Though that refers primarily to the endless ocean -- I'm all for multiple meanings, heh.)


So there's another idea. I like the idea of free-for-all villainmaking too... Custom glat... eh, maybe. :P

Let's make blue Glatorian villians! :D



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I guess we could MOC the endless ocean. :P


I wouldn't mind making blue creations. What else could you do for a theme... I don't know. I feel like making a Rahkshi.



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I like the blue idea. :P How much of the MOC would have to be blue though?


I also like the glatorian one too.



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I like the blue idea. :P How much of the MOC would have to be blue though?


I also like the glatorian one too.



Maybe around... 20%? Might depend, though -- if you use all gray and just a few blue pieces it would still look "blue". Whereas if you use a ton of yellow and same amount of blue pieces it would look yellow, yanno?


So I guess I'd make it a "use your judgement" thing more than a technical rule.


I would judge based on shape and quality of MOC almost totally -- the blue would be just to make sure it's in the category. :)



Yanno, this actually can be merged in a sense with the other 2 ideas. You could enter a blue villain, or a blue glatorian, I suppose. :P

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Or how about building a piece of ancient Bara Magna tech that Berix may have found?

That one.

...or maybe that would be better as an art contest. =/ I dunno, a free-for-all sounds fun.

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I like the blue idea. :P How much of the MOC would have to be blue though?


I also like the glatorian one too.



I'm blue

Daba dee daba die daba dee daba die daba dee daba die~



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Yanno, this actually can be merged in a sense with the other 2 ideas. You could enter a blue villain, or a blue glatorian, I suppose. :P


That doesn't sound like a bad idea.



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