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Entering a local talent show via guitar.


I plan to play an instrumental version of some game music.


Trying for either Fire Emblem's Together We Ride or the overworld theme from LoZ, but the first is too hard, and the only way I'd be satisfied with the second is if I had a three-guitar harmony going.


So, recommend me some video game music to rock-ify. Nothing too fast or heavy please, I'm no beginner, but I'm not on the level where I can play faster than a car can drive.


Edit; classical also works as long as it's not too complex.


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Um, Golden sun battle theme?


Any Advance Wars ones?


Golden Sun battle theme; I never managed to find a copy, so no go. ><


AW stuff; You barely ever hear it for more than a few seconds where it's memorable, could you give some specific suggestions?


Gerudo Desert theme?


I don't have a classical guitar. D=

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Jess's theme. DUR-NER-NER-NUH, nana-na-nana, DUR-NER-NER-NUH, nana-na-nana, NAna NA-na, nana, NA-NA-NANANA.


Sami's theme is easier.


Also, maybe a Final Fantasy battle theme? there are a few simpler ones, especially from the NES days.

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Advance Wars stuff; Hmm...will consider it.


Final Fantasy Stuff; I like it, though the closest I have to an old NES FF game is a copy of the DS rerelease of FFIII, and I haven't played it in months, so I don't recall much of the music. Could you IM me some links to some of the music online?

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Mega Man 9 - Flash in the Dark

Mega Man 9 - We're the Robots

Mega Man 2 - Wily Stage 1


the best 8 bit music there is


and it's not overly complex either

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