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Weekly Update - 1/23

Black Six



So welcome to our latest installment of the Weekly Update. Not a whole lot is new this week (so what else is new? :P) but read on to see what we do have.



So this week was a pretty review-filled week.


To mixed reviews, we debuted the Review Rebuttal system, starting with Adventurer's Atakus Rebuttal. Remember, reviews and rebuttals are just people's opinions in addition to some facts, so you're not going to agree with them all.


Next up, Dinobot the Maximal shared his thoughts on the fourth Papercutz Graphic Novel. Big thanks go out to him for covering this for us.


Finally, we go back to our normal set reviews with Ta-metru_defender's Malum Review. We should have another set review this weekend, so there's something to look forward to.


So finally for real, I'm hoping to roll out one of our projects soon. We just have to figure out how to modify one little thing to make things easier for you. Give you a hint, you look at it every time you look at a post. we'll see if you can figure it out.



What does that B6 guy do all day? :P

That varies from time to time. Officially for the past few years I've been an engineering student pursuing a couple degrees in Computer Engineering. In the past I've done some internships, which basically meant I was working full time and not taking any classes. Right now though, it's back to the grind. I'm taking a full load of classes as well as working for my school as a Teaching Assistant and as a Tutor. Then of course I help run a little website, you might have heard of it, called BZPower. And every once in a while I actually go out and have some fun.


When you were in high school, what were the subjects you toiled with the most?


Do you have any advise or wisdom for a junior year student who is struggling with the incentive to learn.

As you can see above, I'm an engineering student, meaning my strengths lie in the fields of mathematics and sciences. With that in mind, I always had the most trouble with literature and history. That's not to say I did poorly in them, just that I had to try a bit more.


Enjoy it while you can. Do your work and get good grades, but have fun, because the work will get piled on even higher when you hit college. I'll go back to the good grades now, they're important so you can get into a decent college and get a good education so you can get into a good job when you graduate. So yeah, that should hopefully be some impetus to put effort into it.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this for this week. I'm going to go back to watching Andromeda now. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and that I see you all again next week for more boring updates! ;)


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I remember Andromeda! (Didn't watch much, but the main characters's telescoping staff is awesome!)


Cool update. And some actual substance to the mailbag this week.



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The new project sounds interesting. When I saw the Rebuttal, I thought that it was the "new project," but I guess not.

There are a bunch of things we've been working on. :)

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New project sounds interesting, but it could be anything. There is so much to a post. There's your name, post #, posting time, avvie, sigs, that weird stuff under avvies, and the actual post itself. It's so confusing. Oh well, I guess we have to wait.

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New project sounds interesting, but it could be anything. There is so much to a post. There's your name, post #, posting time, avvie, sigs, that weird stuff under avvies, and the actual post itself. It's so confusing. Oh well, I guess we have to wait.

You forgot about quoting, replying, and editing your post too.




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We're, like, opposites. XD I excel with history and literature, while not as well with maths and sciences, lol.



And is it just me, or did I really use a period on my second sentence? O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



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