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Most Titleish Blog Entry Evarrr - #1



So, in the growing fad of people doing actual interesting things in their blog, I'm starting a thingybob. I'll give a title to something for being something, and you'll wonder if I could be less specific. So, today, I'll start it off with two things.


Men Without Hats was a bad 80's group, but they're going to get mentioned in the veeeery first Title Award (henceforth referred to as TA, because I'm lazy) Entry. They had such...ahem...wonderful songs as Safety Dance. But disturbing news - sometimes, they wore hats; and there was a girl in the band. Furthermore, according to that picture, one of their members was a snowman. So I'm going to award them the most hiiiighly prestigious title of "Most Misleading Band Name".


And for the second one, I believe it's time to award the Best Animal Name TA. What did you think it was? Llama? Penguin? Wrong-o, fool! It's the yak, the yakky yak yak. Why? Because yak is fun to say, you yakker. Yak.







: TA Winners :


Most Misleading Band Name : Men Without Hats

Best Animal Name : Yak


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I still say Flock of Seagulls is more misleading. They were neither a flock, nor were they seagulls. In fact, seagulls is an improper term, as gulls are more correct. Also, Gulls don't flock. They have colonies.


Silly Mike Score with his crazy hair.

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Still, I say MWH wins on principle alone. Taunting us with the promise of men and no hats, and delivering neither.


Besides, they were seagulls, silly Makaroo.

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I gotta admit, Yak IS a cooler word than Llama. :P






But Yak's are number four on the all-time awesome animals list. :P

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I'm learning Spanish this year, and llama is apparently the word for "name." So, I disagree with the best animal name -- I think it should be the llama, because it actually means name.


The other guy: of course, the Spanish "llama" is pronounced "yama"...


Oh, shut up, you!



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