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Reading Into The Past



Been reading some old posts and blogs, and I have to say we've moved along. Whether for better or worse, I'm not sure, but we're a lot less offensive, if only because the rules seem a bit tighter now. We've still got a long way to go on improvements though people, especially a certain few of you. Not naming names and you probably don't know who you are, but whatever, with any luck you'll either come around and stop offending people or begin getting punished for acting out.


Edited because Omi complained.


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In refernce to your shpeel about words, words are tool of language, and language-by and far- is a tool for lying.

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Edited because Omi complained.


He'll is a perfectly fine word, when has anyone been offended at it's use?


I mean, seriously, what's wrong with saying ""He will", but shortening it so as to type less?

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Oh look another entry to complain about words that you want to say but can't.




Actually this is just more a general complaint to a few BZpers who I can't name due to my personal policies. It's none of you though.

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Oh look another entry to complain about words that you want to say but can't.




Actually this is just more a general complaint to a few BZpers who I can't name due to my personal policies. It's none of you though.

Then why the last part? Why this comment?



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Oh look another entry to complain about words that you want to say but can't.




Actually this is just more a general complaint to a few BZpers who I can't name due to my personal policies. It's none of you though.

Then why the last part? Why this comment?




I can't take a usual stab at the filter while I'm at it? :P


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Oh look another entry to complain about words that you want to say but can't.




Actually this is just more a general complaint to a few BZpers who I can't name due to my personal policies. It's none of you though.

Then why the last part? Why this comment?




I can't take a usual stab at the filter while I'm at it? :P

I gets annoying after awhile, considering you know why.



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Actually, I don't; nobody can give me a proper answer to my question of "Edited because Omi complained.". Besides, that's not the point of the entry, so please don't try and drag it into the main light.

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Actually, I don't; nobody can give me a proper answer to my question of "Edited because Omi complained.".

Cuz it is offensive?


Also just linking to this as a reminder.



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And why is it offensive? Why does changing those last two letters make it so much more offensive? If you can offer a reasonable argument to that, I'll stop complaining, and once more, stop diverting the subject.

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And why is it offensive? Why does changing those last two letters make it so much more offensive? If you can offer a reasonable argument to that, I'll stop complaining, and once more, stop diverting the subject.

Well I would appreciate it if you stop blatantly disregarding the rules. That offends me.


That word is offensive because it was labeled it as that by the majority of cultures. You say there are no good and bad words, but that is your view and the whole world does not share your view. People are still offended by it.


You may think it is stupid, but you still need to respect it. I think it is stupid you get fined 100 dollars for spitting in Hong Kong, but you don't see me spitting on their streets. It is cuz I respect.



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If I were blatantly disregarding the rules I'd be swearing an using asterisks to censor it.


I do respect it. I don't go around bypassing the filter at every chance I get anymore. I asked a legitimate question, and you return by saying that I don't respect the rules, which I find offensive, as well as not fitting of someone with the ability to argue as I've seen you do so Omi.


Again, if I were blatantly disregarding it, I would be bypassing the filter, naming members by name, and bashing political figures.

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I asked a legitimate question, and you return by saying that I don't respect the rules, which I find offensive, as well as not fitting of someone with the ability to argue as I've seen you do so Omi.

My answer is that is offensive because it is. That is why. If you don't find it offensive, go say it to your mother repeatedly.

Again, if I were blatantly disregarding it, I would be bypassing the filter, naming members by name, and bashing political figures.

Alluding is also against the rules. Did you even read what I linked to?


If you respected the rules, you wouldn't be alluding the the words, nor would you make jabs at the filter. You may say "no offense", but it still offends.



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I asked a legitimate question, and you return by saying that I don't respect the rules, which I find offensive, as well as not fitting of someone with the ability to argue as I've seen you do so Omi.

My answer is that is offensive because it is. That is why. If you don't find it offensive, go say it to your mother repeatedly.

Again, if I were blatantly disregarding it, I would be bypassing the filter, naming members by name, and bashing political figures.

Alluding is also against the rules. Did you even read what I linked to?


If you respected the rules, you wouldn't be alluding the the words, nor would you make jabs at the filter. You may say "no offense", but it still offends.




That is not a valid argument. And frankly my mother is about as overprotective as a...hmm...can't think of a BZP-friendly analogy. But to be frank, asking her what words are appropriate are like having a herbivore and a carnivore ask a carnivore what kind of food to eat.


If you honestly find four letters so offensive, don't read my blog. Nobody's forcing you to read it, but I'm considering deleting this whole entire entry because I'm getting sick of you debating me at every single thing I say. It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's annoying, asinine and wastes my time. If you don't like the content, don't read it. I'll edit it, but nobody is making you read it.

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I asked a legitimate question, and you return by saying that I don't respect the rules, which I find offensive, as well as not fitting of someone with the ability to argue as I've seen you do so Omi.

My answer is that is offensive because it is. That is why. If you don't find it offensive, go say it to your mother repeatedly.

Again, if I were blatantly disregarding it, I would be bypassing the filter, naming members by name, and bashing political figures.

Alluding is also against the rules. Did you even read what I linked to?


If you respected the rules, you wouldn't be alluding the the words, nor would you make jabs at the filter. You may say "no offense", but it still offends.




That is not a valid argument. And frankly my mother is about as overprotective as a...hmm...can't think of a BZP-friendly analogy. But to be frank, asking her what words are appropriate are like having a herbivore and a carnivore ask a carnivore what kind of food to eat.


If you honestly find four letters so offensive, don't read my blog. Nobody's forcing you to read it, but I'm considering deleting this whole entire entry because I'm getting sick of you debating me at every single thing I say. It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's annoying, asinine and wastes my time. If you don't like the content, don't read it. I'll edit it, but nobody is making you read it.

So if you can't say it to your mother, then that just proves my point. Doesn't matter if she was overprotective or not. If you can't say it to her, than you can't say it here.


I don't find that word offensive. I find the disregard to the rules to be offensive. And as a supporter of BZP, I won't let anything like that happen.



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That's like saying not to...gaah, can't think of a BZP-friendly analogy again. But saying to use her as an example is, with all due respect, a poor argument in many respects.


First, again, if I disregarded the rules I'd be swearing and using asterisks to censor it, insulting various members both staff and non-staff, bashing political figures, and various other things. Second, "I won't let"? Your not a staff member anymore Omi. Your a POBZPC. You don't have the authoritative power to "stop" something from happening.


I have asked you twice before, I will ask once more. Cut. This. Out. Now. You've completely derailed the entry from the point I tried to make, and have done so before as well, and I'm sick of it. If this is all you can put in the comments you post in my blog, don't leave any.

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I asked a legitimate question, and you return by saying that I don't respect the rules, which I find offensive, as well as not fitting of someone with the ability to argue as I've seen you do so Omi.

My answer is that is offensive because it is. That is why. If you don't find it offensive, go say it to your mother repeatedly.

Again, if I were blatantly disregarding it, I would be bypassing the filter, naming members by name, and bashing political figures.

Alluding is also against the rules. Did you even read what I linked to?


If you respected the rules, you wouldn't be alluding the the words, nor would you make jabs at the filter. You may say "no offense", but it still offends.




That is not a valid argument. And frankly my mother is about as overprotective as a...hmm...can't think of a BZP-friendly analogy. But to be frank, asking her what words are appropriate are like having a herbivore and a carnivore ask a carnivore what kind of food to eat.


If you honestly find four letters so offensive, don't read my blog. Nobody's forcing you to read it, but I'm considering deleting this whole entire entry because I'm getting sick of you debating me at every single thing I say. It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's annoying, asinine and wastes my time. If you don't like the content, don't read it. I'll edit it, but nobody is making you read it.

So if you can't say it to your mother, then that just proves my point. Doesn't matter if she was overprotective or not. If you can't say it to her, than you can't say it here.


I don't find that word offensive. I find the disregard to the rules to be offensive. And as a supporter of BZP, I won't let anything like that happen.




This is a very poor analogy as I can, and do, joke around with my parents with a LOT of things.


Grandmother rule, while also not entirely true, is more so appropriate for this situation.


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This is a very poor analogy as I can, and do, joke around with my parents with a LOT of things.

Not everyone has that luxury. And it shouldn't be any different from your grandmother either. ;)



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