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Bfa's Home



And kinda bummed about it.


So anyway this weekend was THE AWESUM <3


k, got there around 5 on Friday, waited for a while. My friend got there a little bit after us, so it wasn't as boring waiting (she has one of those awesome moms that can make a hilarious joke out of anything). So we ordered some pizza and ate that and then other people arrived and ate pizza, etc. Everyone's usually doing something elsewhere or socializing in the huge living room. I tried my hand at Munchkin Fu (a game), and lost. That continues until late at night. Had some trouble sleeping due to lack of a fan.


Saturday was waffles for breakfast (nomnom). Then some of us decided to go tubing at a place. Extremely fun, extremely cold. And windy. The tubing slope is essentially a large snow slide with rubber mats and a snow bank at the bottom to stop you. I kept trying to grab the top of the snow bank, but I kept sliding back down. It was fun. So after that we retreated to the lodge and got some hot chocolate and then returned to where we were staying. Ate a very small and disorganized lunch. Then a bunch of us went to Chutter's, a shop with the world's longest candy counter. I got half a pound of candy, which was basically two jawbreakers, a bunch of cinnamon stuff and some root beer Twizzler-like things. Then we walked down the street to the book shop nearby. People just sort of dispersed throughout the store. I wandered aimlessly. I saw a couple of books by Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter, and I wondered why they were on the "Non-fiction" shelf. hehe.png As we were about to leave, my friend (same friend) noticed that they had the Zombie Survival Guide, so of course I got that. I already read the whole thing lol. So then we basically went back and did nothing for the rest of the night besides eat dinner, play games, and talk. One of the parents brought a laptop and some of us watched some Demetri Martin stuff… ladies. Read more of the ZSG, with my friend occasionally stealing it to read some of it while I was doing something else.


Sunday we basically did nothing but played games. I read more of the ZSG. My friend was forced to practice played her cello, and at one point played the POTC theme song (from memory). This is why she is awesome. So this sort of continues until we leave and then drive for two and a half hours then get home then unpack and then I type up this entry.




Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul



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She probably lives very far away from Australia, Wrack. :lol:


Anyways, sounds like you had fun. I haven't been to the bookstore in ages, but you probably got one closer to you house than I do. I have a bookstore close to my house, but it's boring there and they never got anything good. I always just wait until I can get to Chapters.

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...Hmm, and all i did was move an entire floor of storage units into three houses over a twelve mile radius!

I hate being the only child that has enough strength to be of use...

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Is this girl cute?



She probably lives very far away from Australia, Wrack. :lol:


Anyways, sounds like you had fun. I haven't been to the bookstore in ages, but you probably got one closer to you house than I do. I have a bookstore close to my house, but it's boring there and they never got anything good. I always just wait until I can get to Chapters.



And I do not live anywhere near there. It would be awesome if I did. :/

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I wandered aimlessly. I saw a couple of books by Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter, and I wondered why they were on the "Non-fiction" shelf.




My weekend was terrible. All of my teachers gave us huge projects that were due today.

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