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Why The Hate For Tom Cruise?



I keep hearing people complain about Tom Cruise. How "bad an actor" he is. I don't understand....I liked him in War of the Worlds and he was great in Valkyrie. And he did the Mission Impossible movies, and I still need to see those, which are supposed to be pretty good.


So what's wrong with him?


(Same goes for people who complain about Keanu Reeves, because the roles he picks, like Neo and Klaatu, fit. Anybody else would be showing too much emotion and yelling, where as his characters just let it ride and just go.)


And if you come in here and say "Just because" or "He sucks" without any actual reason, I'll prolly delete or edit your comment.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: 2+2=5 (For extremely large values of two.)


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See: Oprah's couch


See also: Scientology


Not that I actually hate him. It's just rather amusing. Same with most celebrities.


But neither of those affect his acting.



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If you want a simple answer it’s because Tom Cruise practices Scientology and a lot of people have or know someone who has been hurt by $cientology so naturally people would want to tar and feather someone who openly does something that they openly hate and where’s the first place to look when you want to bring someone down? Something they do that makes them proud in his case, acting.


Of course some people may just not like his acting just because it’s not to their taste but that’s a completely different animal.


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I don't actively hate him. I think he's as full of himself as some other celebrities in his real life and such... but the paparazzi people are just annoying as well, so maybe it rubs off in their stories. :shrugs: Some of his movies are good and some are bad... Mission Impossible is okay, while I didn't like his acting in War of the Worlds (heck, I didn't like that movie in general. :annoyed2: )



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He's a ridiculously arrogant nut who supports an evil money-grubbing cult that has actively tried to censor their own less-than-legal activities and attack those who criticize it.


Also, forcing his wife to give birth to a baby in complete silence.



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Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise crazy,

but just be glad it's him not you.


If you had Tom Cruise's troubles,

you might be Tom Cruise crazy too.


You'd flash your big white shiny smile,

and buy expensive shoes.


But you'd be the only man on earth

who couldn't enjoy Tom Cruise.



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What Arpy and wrack said.


Man... I HAVE to assume you haven't heard or seen video footage of him in "real" life.

He's astoundingly KOOKOO.


No. Not eccentric. KOOKOO for COCOAPUFFS.


Scientology is, when you read up on it from sources who managed to escape it, is scary, scary stuff.

Like Tom, no. Not merely "eccentric".


Go to video sites and search up "Oprah couch".

Look up the videos of Jason Beghe... an actor who managed to get out after being burned tens of MILLIONS of dollars.


I hope the mods don't consider the stuff in this topic religion bashing... Scientology has paid off politicians to be recognized as a "religion" in the USA, even though they:


--require you to pay much money to purchase goods that are required for enlightenment.

--make people sign BILLION-year contracts to work for the church. For free.

--are not supposed to be a business so therefore are under tax-free status... but you can get sued for distributing their TEACHINGS? wut lol

--harass and engage in illegal activities under the "fair game" doctrine of the church, whenever they paint someone an "enemy". (Oh, in more recent years they've tried to play it down, but many people are still driven to lives of fear because of it.)


And here's the worst thing probably... they do NOT recognize certain mental problems.

L. Ron Hubbard, their founder, though into substances himself, hated shrinks and hated psychiatric medication.


For instance, the scientologists refuse to recognize autism as "real"...


And what did John Travolta's son Jett recently die from?


... ... ...agh, I could be here all day. Just search up "Travolta Jett Autism brother".

Things should become real clear, real fast, even if you've never been exposed to the horror show memes of the internet regarding scientology's crimes.


Getting back to Tom Cruise... he's Mr. Scientology.

That's why he's hated.

He's their spokesman and due to his celebrity has brought many new followers in.


Likewise, he is at a "level" of their teachings right now (called a state of "OT7") where he believes he can fly. You heard me right. The man has spent SO much money on this stuff that he believes (well, has to believe after blowing that much cash) that he can fly. Without a plane.


Also, at the level he is in his ...eh ...training ...he believes the people on Earth have little space alien souls in them thanks to an evil tyrant called "Xenu".


... ... ...again, I could be here all day. South Park clips would do you a LOT of good on all this, much faster than reading can.

And if you do watch the South Park take on this, I hate to inform you they didn't make a word of the "official" story up.


Yes. THAT kookoo.


Behold the birth of scientology... written by a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER on like a napkin or something:


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Um...if DV or Shine want to edit Jinzo's post, be my guest, but I honestly just skipped most of it and couldn't even read the napkin, so I don't think it'll hurt anybody...(Sorry Jinzo, but you pretty much rambled.)


I guess we all have our different views on people and their work, and how it all comes together.



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Likewise, he is at a "level" of their teachings right now (called a state of "OT7") where he believes he can fly. You heard me right. The man has spent SO much money on this stuff that he believes (well, has to believe after blowing that much cash) that he can fly. Without a plane.

Up on the table! Arms out, fingers together, knees bent, now, head well forward. Now, flap your arms. Go on, flap, faster... faster... faster... faster, faster, faster, faster - now jump!

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