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5 Years

Crimson Jester


January 27th, 2004. Five years ago today. A bored-out-of-his-mind, Bionicle-loving youth, with a handy computer, got bored and searched for Bionicle sites. Near the end of his fruitless searching, one site in particular caught his interest: BZPower.com. Something drew him in, and that day, he signed up, under the name 'Troopertoran'.


Time went by, and Troopertoran, now known as Inferno Nuva: Toa of Rage became a regular forum-wanderer, haunting the Comedies forum, and Completely Off Topic.


Names changed; Inferno Nuva: Toa of Rage, to Inferno Nuva: Hordika of Rage. Pointless, yes. But somehow suitable. BZP had been wonderful for that first year, and the member met many a great friend between comedy writers, and CoT role-players. But, as these friends left, Inferno left too, not to return until September 2005.


Upon returning, the member met one of his dearest BZP friends (no longer here), Mourning Jester. After some time, he was invited to become a Jester himself, adopting the name 'Black Jester'. The member's BZP career flourished, creating and participating in well over forty CoT RPGs. Then, one day, Mourning Jester left, and Black Jester moved on, to the Bionicle RPG Forum.


A two-year stint in the BZPRPG, as well as The Academy, and several other RPG Contest heavy-hitters, including three miserable wins of his own, skyrocketed his role-playing career to an all-time peak. Many wonderful friends, including Hak, Mout, Lazzy, Dwin, Tom, Nid, EU and HG were gained in the BZPRPG.


But, as time faded, so did the BZPRPG. Two years after entering, the member left, killing off his central character, and leaving his faction behind to a real-life friend and fellow member. Back to CoT he went, and in CoT he remains, as a writer, critic, guitarist, and role-player.


That member was me. And I'm proud to have such a rich history with such good friends. And this blog entry goes out to them (including some not mentioned here)(in no particular order):






-Vak II












-Doc B







-A heckuva lot more of ya

-And last, but definitely the most significant, Mourning Jester. (You'd better show up again some day)


Thanks to all of you, and everyone else, for a wonderful experience on BZP. :)




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When do I start getting paid for my work? :mellow:


Just kidding. I'm always up for some work and always happy to do it for a friend. :D Just let me know when you need something :P



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