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Three Fifths



Exams. D:


I had Honors Pre-Calc and French 4 today, and Honors American Literature yesterday. Honors Chemistry is tomorrow and Honors American History the day after. Course titles FTW!!


Language Arts was pretty long but it was moderately easy. Vocab was nothing like what I had studied. Nothing. Everyone else come to an assent about that too. (Vocab word teehee) We concurred that the other LA teacher made it. But seriously, I thought I studied the wrong definitions. O~O My essays were really rushed too. =\


Math was easy but horrible long. 100 multiple choice and 4 open ended. The first problem and a couple after it were things we never covered before so everyone was freaking out. The teacher came in 15 minutes into the exam and told us the answers. >< Some people had spent their whole time up to that point on those problems and had that time completely wasted, luckily I had moved on from those ones (I said I would come back later) so I had a bit of an advantage. The problems were easy but there were way too many of them. At about 50 or 60 I skipped to the open ended. I finished two and couldn't figure the other ones out in the rushed atmosphere. >< I went back to the multiple choice and finished those. Only a couple I had to just random fill in. And I sat across from Ally at a table.


French was a joke. I had no idea what everything was, no one else did. About like 200 questions and an essay but there will be a huge curve and everyone will get an A. xD

And I wrote my essay about a famous persons daily life (like waking up and going to bed) about Summer Glau. I sure Cags will enjoy this.


Science will be easy. We can use Graphing Calculators. I'm gonna type up a program to use during the test for random stuff. Cheating legally yay!


SS will be horrible. I think it is like 200 questions AND a ten document DBQ. >< I hate social studies too. Luckily my friend sent me a HUGE study guide so at least studying won't be that bad. (I hate having to look through the book for everything I just wish they would give us a sheet to study. ><)




However it is predicted to snow and slush and icey rain and snowwy rain and rainy slush and rainy frost tonight so there may be no school tomorrow. I'm not expecting anything though.


And get Twitter!!!


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Pfft! you and your "education" I had a snow day :P (lol was on BZP like all day :D )

Well I might have one tomorrow. Pfft! xP


And Summer Glau! :D

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