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#288 ~ It's Snowing



It's very windy. It's very snowy. Well, it isn't quite snow either. It isn't rain, though, nor sleet. It isn't even ice. It actually looks like tiny little pellets of whiteness, short of like that obscure type of packaging peanut that is tiny, round, and sticks to everything. Apparently this is called grapple. So I looked it up online and received this answer:

"It is caused by the partial melting of a snow flake that refreezes before reaching the ground. Not too uncommon but not seen in huge amounts or frequently. It will produce this and often the warm layer that is causing the melting will be cooled by evaporation processes and it will change back to snow. There are some cases also where the warm layer rapidly increases and it will change to either sleet or to freezing rain and then to rain. "


I found that interesting, but with 35mph sustained winds, I'd rather just be somewhere else. Like here...



Edit: Because the beauty and comfort of Monteverde isn't apparent from the picture:


"Well, that's not a tropical rain forest, it's a cloud forest. It is constantly foggy, but it doesn't rain anywhere near 8 months per year. This picture is form Monteverde, Costa Rica. It averages 80 to 120 inches of rainfall per year. That is wetter than the Northeast US, but it's drier than Seattle, Lousiana, and the Everglades (the really wet places in the US). Furthermore, much of the rainfall falls in the form of fog, so it isn't actually raining all of those 80 to 120 inches.


"But everything is GREEN. It also isn't windy. Beaches are windy."



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That rainforest looks all sticky and bug filled. You'd want to be on the beach on the other sides of the forest. :)


Weather is bad here too, we have temperatures of 40+ again. >_>


Degrees Celsius of course. :P

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Well, that's not a tropical rain forest, it's a cloud forest. It is constantly foggy, but it doesn't rain anywhere near 8 months per year. This picture is form Monteverde, Costa Rica. It averages 80 to 120 inches of rainfall per year. That is wetter than the Northeast US, but it's drier than Seattle, Lousiana, and the Everglades. Much of the rainfall falls in the form of fog, so it isn't actually raining. But everything is GREEN. It also isn't windy. Beaches are windy.

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