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Jordboy1's 6 Ways To Making A Successful Comedy



Here are 6 helpful things to making a successful comedy:


1. Your comedy has to appeal to a variety of people with different senses of humor.


2. Your comedy should at least have some plot, not just anything that comes to mind, even if it's just a plot that comes out of no where, a plot is better than none.


3. Your comedy shouldn't be too random, a little randomness like someone suddenly discoing out of no where can be good and funny to some, but when randomness is used too frequently..it jsut gets old real fast.


4. There are different types of writers, some tell you you should write out your story before typing up the final form on BZP, but you don't have to. People write in different ways. For example, I think up the chapter as I type it up on BZP, I very rarely plan ahead. The only thing I have planned before I start my chapters are what just happened in the previous chapter (if it's not my first chapter) and the over all plot to my comedy. So no matter if you plan what your chapter will have or you make it up right then and there, really doesn't matter.


5. Your comedy should have a variety of characters. People with different personalities. If they're all kinda the same basic guy...there really isn't a difference in anyone but their names. You can't just have a bunch of bland sterio-type guys and ex-pect to have a hit comedy. You gotta put heart into your characters.


6. Have a good clean comedy, funny jokes and remarks. No one wants some comedian who's obsessed with dirty jokes or suggestive themes in a comedy...especially here on BZP.


7. Enjoy yourself. That's right, have fun, what's the point of making a comedy if you don't have fun while making it? Have a good sense of humor, love what you do, put your heart into what you make. Your comedies are a work of art. Be proud, but don't let your pride get to you. Make comedies because you love to, because you love making people happy and laugh. Don't worry if a few people don't like your comedies, you can't make a comedy that pleases everybody. There're plenty of comedies out there for everyone. Your comedy might not be one of those, but I encourage you to try your best, and I'm not saying that these are the only ways to making a good comedy, I'm just saying they're a good way to start. I love making people happy, and especially love to make them laugh. I always love making comedies, even if they aren't the best in the world.


Do what you love, and if making comedies isn't for you, then go on to find what's really for you, don't make a comedy unless you enjoy yourself...and remember, disco is in this year! :D


-Jordboy1 :miru:


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Very good tips, Jordboy!


Another thing, regarding the jokes, is to make sure the humor make you laugh. If you find yourself giggling every time you read a certain line in the comedy, even a year later, then it is definitely a success. But if it doesn't make the author laugh, it definitely won't make anyone else laugh. (No matter how many superfunny emoticons they use.)


It's also a good idea to type your story, comedy or otherwise, in Word or some such program (or copy it into there after you've written it). Not only does it help catch spelling mistakes, but if you have it saved to your computer, then you won't completely lose it should your topic get accidentally deleted, and you can access it when BZP's offline.




I can't remember whether I approved your blog before, so I'm approving it again just to be sure. :P




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Thanks, Turakii! :D

Also, yeah, that first tip you just gave is pretty importanteth to me too. :P lol

'course I couldn't go by that very well even though I do...'cause I laugh at a bunch o' stuff. lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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