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Ten Things Not To Say Or Do In A Review

Lady Kopaka


So, some of this may just be an opinion, and it all matters on ones sensitivity, opinion, and etc. Still, before reviewing you may want to consider these ten things…


1. Don’t say “Well, this isn’t your best…”. It sounds like you’re implying that the Artist/MoCist/Author is getting worst, or bluntly, that said drawing stinks. Its one thing to say “This isn’t my favorite of yours”, cause that sounds like an opinion. Opinions are fine, but frankly stating something as a fact is never good.


2. For the love of all things good, don’t point out the obvious. It’s like walking up to your friend and going “DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BROWN EYES?”. Yep. Same thing goes when the artist or some posters above states twenty times that there’s something wrong about the picture. Artists don’t need the flaw pushed in their face. After a couple hundred times, they get the picture I think.


3. Don’t give number ratings. They kill kittens. =( Same goes for grading, that’s just silly. It’s not homework; it’s your own creative work!


4. Don’t just go in a topic and say “Nice, now do [insert something here].” It’s simply rude.


5. Don’t say an image is too sketchy or whatever. Please note if the image was supposed to just be a sketch or actually something fancy.




7. Human Bionicle art is a style of art! Deal with it please. Actually, be polite with any style. Normal or unique. A style is NEVER a flaw.


8. Don’t quote the whole huge first post that the topic starter made. It’s argh. 0:


9. Maybe, just maybe you could find something to say other than “Awesome, I like it.”


10. Don’t compare artists! Never ever ever ever! Every artist, regardless of how long they’ve been drawing, whether they are new or veterans, it’s no excuse. Now sure, we all have our favorite artists for some reason or another. But don’t go out saying who is the best or most popular—we all have different styles.



And in an example Swert has written for us, I hope none of you ever do this:


"Awesome, I like it. Bit sketchy, and not your best, though. Still, A++++++ OVER9000/10. Now draw Toa V again, despite the fact you already drew him. Also, what do you think about it? LOL IT HAS GREEN HAIR! Also, I think Human Bionicle art stinks! And I like Swert's art better than yours! Draw more like him, except he doesn't draw!"


Once again, it really depends on who you’re reviewing, and some other facts. Still, it’s very important to at least think about these issues.


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Thank you for writing this!*glomps*


Quite honestly, this is why I'm afraid to even post anything artwork related; It's like I'm supposed to fit some sort of profile with these people's expectations. And honestly, people look at my stuff, and everyone else's with the idea that I'm going to be some sort of professional or something- I can't draw anything outstanding(even then, people still freak out over minor, near unnoticeable errors) in the first place unless I spend months and months on it; I'm not a bloody robot.


And then, if I do recall correctly, people have compared my style of drawing to that of other people, and complained about its dissimilarities to theirs. Do people honestly think it is so wrong for me to be creative just because I don't imitate someone or something popular?


So yeah, you have my congratulations for writing this down.


Also, if I may add my own advice to yours; anticipation is the first step to disappointment.





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Guest kopakanuva13


Great guide, 10/10!

Wasn't your best though =(



The thing I agree with the most is the hb thing. I really dislike seeing people who say "I don't like that because it's not mechanical". Ugh D:

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Your forgot one, maybe under point 2.




I hate that.


Well, the feet are a little off


Very good except for the feet


Something is wrong about the persepective on the feet


I am not sure about the feet



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What I like best about the sample What Not To Do review is that it changes opinion on it like, twenty times or something. That's pretty special.

It's sad, but people seriously do it.


Your forgot one, maybe under point 2.



That was in point two. About not pointing out the obvious/not pointing out what other people said. I believe we have all done this at one point or another, but I think it's time we all become a bit more considerate and actually look over other posts before suggesting something that might had already been talked about twenty times.

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*cough* Well... I'm not sure whether to post something to keep good art alive, or not post anything because I can barely write a long critique in one go. >_>


Heck, writing anything art related give me nightmares.


Even as so much as drawing corrections on the forums would mark me as arrogant to a lot of people, so I rarely do those unless they talk to me personally.

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