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Which Movie?



Which movie should I see this weekend. Coraline or Pink Panther II? The first looks to have pretty good graphics, but Steve Martin is sure to deliver in the comedy section. And, hopefully, I can catch a matinee, because I don't know if I have enough cash for one, much less both.




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Personally, I don't want anything to do with Coraline. *shudders*

But since you're considering it, I guess we think differently. Oh, well, enjoy Dakota Fanning's VA-ing.

(Alternatively I'm really interested in "9," even though I probably won't see it until the DVD.)


On that note I say Pink Panther. Steve Martin sure is going to be good, and you need a good laugh every once in a while.



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I dunno... the whole theme intrigues me somehow. The commercials (however brief) got me interested enough to check the trailer, and now I'm actually interested in the plot. Besides, just because it's more family-friendly doesn't mean it can't appeal to adults who want action, violence, gore, and other stuff unsuitable for children...


Speaking of Dakota Fanning, there's also the movie Push that looks cool. A whole movie about telekinetics. Yeah.



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I love creepy stories, but I can't stand watching things with intentionally creepy animation, as I strongly dislike the look of it. (It's why I've never been able to stomach all that Tim Burton stuff...)


And Xccj, why must you approve our comments?

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Because some comments as of late really annoyed me, so I'm reviewing them all first. I'll probably drop it in a week or so.



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I dunno... the whole theme intrigues me somehow. The commercials (however brief) got me interested enough to check the trailer, and now I'm actually interested in the plot. Besides, just because it's more family-friendly doesn't mean it can't appeal to adults who want action, violence, gore, and other stuff unsuitable for children...


Speaking of Dakota Fanning, there's also the movie Push that looks cool. A whole movie about telekinetics. Yeah.



Here, sew these buttons into your eyes.



Oh, Push looks so cool! (And yeah, has Fanning!) I suggested it to my friends, but they said no. (Although a few others are interested.) So instead I suggested Outlander, thinking they'd like that, but that was a no as well, even though I thought it was right up their alley. They decided on seeing Taken, which doesn't really appeal to me, so I made other plans.



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Update: The Washington Post liked Push but didn't quite praise Coraline or Taken. Coraline did not have much to it in any department, aside from good VA-ing from Fanning, and Taken didn't seem to get an exciting review, though it was good on the stance of action/adventure/thriller/fight the bad guy. Push was cool and had some plot and a "good soundtrack," and it's nice seeing Fanning in a different role than a little girl like in WotW or Dreamer.


Just my $0.02.



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I generally don't trust too many reviews. If they say it's good, then it's probably good. But when they say it's bad, this is from people with unrealistically high expectations, and I've found that I've enjoyed some movies that weren't always highly rated.



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