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The Clone Wars





The voice acting was mostly awful. Greaasfhaf. Obi Wan was the worst. Yay three people had the same voices. I kept the volume low and used subtitles. That helped.

I actually kind of liked Ahsoka... but was it just me, or was she WAY too powerful in the force to be a Padawan? She was like a freaking ninja. That kind of bothered me.

Plot was kk.

Sure there was a lot of cheesy stuff, but this is Star Wars. Star Wars is cheesy. Always has been.

The facial animation was kind of awful/nonexistent. I've seen far better expressions in video games.

Sound track... when they used the original music, it was kk. When they didn't... ew remixes.

Aaaaaaaaand the announcer at the beginning was AWFUL OH GOODNESS WHAT WERE THEY THINKING I guess they did it instead of the scrolling text so the kiddies could understand better?

The droids still had "humor." But you know... it kind of worked. The jokes seemed better, for one thing, and I actually chuckled a few times. The animated setting helps set a different tone as well. (I actually kind of lol'd at the engine revving thing. XD)

Jabba's uncle was disturbing/funny... o_o

Two more things I need to clear up... Star Wars nerds help me...

Was Ventress a Sith? She called Dooku her "Master," so I'm a bit lost? 'Cause there are already two sith accounted for... (though it wouldn't be the first time there was a third... no wait it would... Force Unleashed was later...)

And how could Anakin have a Padawan? Don't you have to be a Master to have a Padawan? Anakin wasn't a Master at that stage...

Overall, it was... okay. The beginning seemed very strained and weird, but after I got into the swing of things I... enjoyed it. Don't reject me!



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And how could Anakin have a Padawan? Don't you have to be a Master to have a Padawan? Anakin wasn't a Master at that stage...

Nope, a mere Knight suffices very well. Obi-Wan until around the time of this TV show, anyone?


I think I'll take your word for it in regards to awfulness.

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It'll be worst when the animated movie's sequel comes out...


Not that I've seen it... just a few episodes on Cartoon Network.



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You should see the TV episodes.They're awesome (except for Bombad Jedi).


About Anakin having a padawan when he's not really a master yet. I don't think it mattered. Yoda made her his padawan to give Anakin a sense of responsibility. In that case, Yoda probably wouldn't care if Anakin was a master or not.


:kaukau: Vohkan :kaukau:

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Asaj Ventress is a Dark Jedi, sort of the same status as General Grievous.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

But Grievous had nothing to do with the Force. He was just trained in the ways of the Lightsaber, and his androidness helped him with that. He had no force powers.


Ventress was being taught by Dooku in the same way that Vader had an apprentice in TFO. Sidious was not to know of either of these, yet he probably did, but if he found out publicly he would have been furious, because you're right, there are only supposed to be two.


Music...it's no John Williams, that's for sure. I liked the remix music from when the AT-TE's were scaling the cliff wall, yet it wasn't Star Wars.


I didn't quite like the droid humor, as no droid would forget the coordinates given to it. "What was that again?"--would not happen.


Yeah, this was definitely aimed at the kids, which makes it bearable. But for a Star Wars fan outside the target audience, we can agree that George Lucas should strike this from the SW Canon. I have a movie poster, and, despite how I didn't like the movie, the poster is kind of cool and I keep getting tempted to put it up....


What can the older fans look forward to? The live action series coming out soon!



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The droids make no sense, they're machines.


Anywho, I've not seen the movie. The show's alright, but the voices are kinda not great.


Bombad Jedi was the one with Jar Jar, wasn't it? I liked that one. =\

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actually, the movie was quite atrocious, and that's saying something, as I am a die hard starwars fan,


somehow, I liked the TV series better,


oh, and btw bundalings,


starwars isn't cheezy, thats just the new films, and episode three wasn't even that cheesy :P

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The droids make no sense, they're machines.


Anywho, I've not seen the movie. The show's alright, but the voices are kinda not great.


Bombad Jedi was the one with Jar Jar, wasn't it? I liked that one. =\



Don't watch the movie


I dunno.....


Anyway, yeah the show was ok. I just wish they didn't have Ahsoka. She was FAR too powerful, and she was a terrible apprentice. Despite the fact that she's terrible, everything worked out for her in the end. >_>


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Once you've gone through your Trials and become a Knight, you can be given a Padawan. Anakin became a Knight during the Clone Wars, and bang, here's his apprentice we've never heard of before (drives me CRAZY). Same way Obi-Wan took on Anakin at the end of the Phantom Menace. He too was but a Knight at that point (notice he has cut his Padawan braid off during the funeral scene).


As for Ventress, CF is right. SW lore has informed us that Sith Apprentices (as Darth Vader is technically, with Palps the Master) very regularly have a secret apprentice on the side (sometimes more than one). This helps set them up for the time when they are [supposed] to kill their Master and assume his role. It's how the Sith roll. Even Palpatine has some secret apprentices Vader didn't know about, and in the Original Trilogy, he would have loved to be rid of Vader in favor of Luke, had Luke turned. After all, Luke has all the Force potential of Anakin, and none of the cyborg. That made him better.

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And how could Anakin have a Padawan? Don't you have to be a Master to have a Padawan? Anakin wasn't a Master at that stage...

Nope, a mere Knight suffices very well. Obi-Wan until around the time of this TV show, anyone?


I think I'll take your word for it in regards to awfulness.

But I said I liked it. D=

The show is actually bearable when it's not about Jar Jar, but the movie was horrid.

I should probably check it out then.

I didn't quite like the droid humor, as no droid would forget the coordinates given to it. "What was that again?"--would not happen.

But it was still funny. :P

starwars isn't cheezy, thats just the new films, and episode three wasn't even that cheesy :P




Once you've gone through your Trials and become a Knight, you can be given a Padawan. Anakin became a Knight during the Clone Wars, and bang, here's his apprentice we've never heard of before (drives me CRAZY). Same way Obi-Wan took on Anakin at the end of the Phantom Menace. He too was but a Knight at that point (notice he has cut his Padawan braid off during the funeral scene).


As for Ventress, CF is right. SW lore has informed us that Sith Apprentices (as Darth Vader is technically, with Palps the Master) very regularly have a secret apprentice on the side (sometimes more than one). This helps set them up for the time when they are [supposed] to kill their Master and assume his role. It's how the Sith roll. Even Palpatine has some secret apprentices Vader didn't know about, and in the Original Trilogy, he would have loved to be rid of Vader in favor of Luke, had Luke turned. After all, Luke has all the Force potential of Anakin, and none of the cyborg. That made him better.

kk thanks

So, Ventress is supposed to kill off Dooku to become a Sith?

No I think Dooku was supposed to kill off Palpatine.



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Yes. The apprentice is eventually supposed to kill the master. It shows that they are even stronger in the Dark Side than their master and can now rule the Sith. Then they gain an apprentice, teach it, and know that their apprentice will kill them, although they would rather not that happen, for who wants to lose their life? In Ep. 3, Palpatine tells Anakin of Darth Plagueis, the one who could manipulate the Force and live forever. Palpatine was Plagueis' apprentice, and since he knew his trick of life/death, he killed him in his sleep.



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Guest kopakanuva13



I liked some of the action sequences in the CGI series, but GOD, HOW MANY FREAKING CLONE WARS CARTOONS DO WE NEED? D:

I say we need a Darth Bane movie B)

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C'mon guys. Jar Jar is win. And Bombad Jedi is the best episode. ^_^


Oh, and it's funny to hear Darth Vader talk about himself in the third person. :P

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I agree with a lot of people; the plot was like swiss cheese. And that announcer... I think he did the Wall-E commercial. >_>


The show is okay. I think Obi-Wan is better than Anakin, though. The clones looked good in that last episode (Not last Friday's, the one before it).


Ahsoka being that powerful just isn't right.



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Ashoka is totally going to go to the Dark Side.


Just watch.





I can't really see that. It'd be sweet, but I think that'd "send the wrong message to kids." Or something.


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The only thing I can say I don't like (not having watched any of it besides a small part of an episode with clones in snow) is that Anakin has an apprentice. Just doesn't seem...right. Also, several droids have R7 designations, which I thought came out after the movies took place. Rex looks cool though, can't say same for his name. And clone snowtroopers I like.
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