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Voting Booth Policy



Hey there, and welcome to the Voting Booth of BZPower. This is the place where members can create their own polls concerning all things Bionicle-related. This is a pretty simple concept for a pretty simple forum, and by the same token we would like to keep the rules here pretty simple and easy to understand. Take a moment to read through this topic before posting in the forum; it will just take a moment or two and will save you plenty of trouble. Thanks!


The biggest thing to remember in the Voting Booth is that only premier members can create new polls in the Voting Booth. This means that if you are not a premier, you won’t be able to do so. However, you can PM a premier member and ask him or her (nicely) to make a poll for you. There is a squad of premier members who have specifically volunteered to make polls for non-premier members; they would be the best people to ask.


If you want to post polls, go premier! It is only a small donation and is quite worth it.




Voting Booth Policy


Firstly, all general BZPower rules and guidelines apply to posting/posting in topics in the Voting Booth. That means, for instance--

  • No Poll Revivals. If a poll topic hasn't been posted in for 20 days or more, then it is considered dead. Discussion has fallen off, and the topic may no longer be up to date with our current knowledge/understanding of Bionicle (not to mention, opinions may have changed).

  • No Duplicate polls: There is no need for multiple polls asking the exact same question or questions. Polls “Favorite Mask” and “Least Favorite Mask” share the same information, so they would be considered dupes too. A good thing to do before posting polls is to check the first few pages of the Voting Booth. If a poll on a certain subject is too old to continue, then it’s usually okay to go ahead and make a new poll for the subject. In accordance with this, duplicate questions in polls are disallowed; if a poll has two questions, and one of the questions is a dupe of another current topic, but the other isn't, the later-posted topic will be closed and the topic starter will then be asked to create a new topic featuring only the question that was not a dupe.


We also have several rules that are specific to this forum.

  • No Dupe Questions This is an extension of the 'No Duplicate Polls' ruleSince we can now have three questions per poll instead of one, a new issue has arisen. What happens if a poll has two questions, one of the questions is a dupe of another current topic, but the other isn't? As set by precedent in this topic, the topic that was posted later (the one with the dupe question) will be closed. The topic starter will then be asked to create a new topic featuring only the question that was not a dupe. (Or questions, if there are three total and only one is a dupe.)

  • No Off-Topic Polls. This forum is for Bionicle (and BZPower, to some extent)-related polls; off-topic questions do not belong here. This includes plainly unrelated questions as well as things that are only barely tangentially related. For instance, “Favorite Color of Mask” wouldn’t be allowed, because it isn’t truly relevant—“Favorite Mask” would be better, as the color, though indirectly relates to Bionicle, is a bit too far out there to be worth a poll.

  • No Personal Polls. Under the umbrella of the above ordinance, polls about what you should change your name to, who should die in your epic, what color you should post in, avatars, signatures, and so forth, are not allowed. It is up to you what you decide these things, not the rest of BZPower. This also includes polls about BZPower members, such as "Who is the funniest/most creative/best/coolest/etc member?" or "Who will/should be the next Admin/Forum Leader/Forum Assistant?" It is not our right to select any one member as “better” than the next.

  • No Off-Topic Poll Choices. They can occasionally be amusing, but poll choices that have nothing to do with the poll's question are really just examples of spam. An example of what NOT to do would be:


    1) I like the EXO without a Toa

    2) I like the EXO with a Toa

    3) I like pie.

  • Only Use Multiple-Choice Polls when Appropriate. Checking the multiple-choice box does not mean that there will be multiple options; it means that members will be able to choose multiple options when they vote. If you are going to ask a yes or no question, or something that requires only one option, then you should not check the multiple-choice box. Some examples:


    If you are going to ask:

    "Who is your favorite Toa Mahri?"

    Then you do not check the multiple-choice box.


    If you are going to ask:

    "Which Toa Mahri are you going to buy?"

    Then you do check the multiple-choice box, as it may include multiple answers.



As a final note, Think when Making a Poll. Topics that have choices too broad would be far better as a topic elsewhere than a poll, simply because there are too many variables. Sometimes, an "Other" option fixes this problem, but if it’s a subject regarding, say, what the name of a future bionicle product should be, it would be better suited as a topic, not a poll.




That is about it! If you have any questions about anything, feel free to PM one of the Voting Booth moderators (listed below), and we will happily clear up your problem or question. Your help combined with ours will make this forum a better place for all of us, and insure it continues to operate so well.


Thanks again!


-Kaiapu, Smeagol4, Nikira, and SPIRIT

I will not make a poll for you if it does not abide by that. ^


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