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One Year Of Bzp



Wow. My how things have changed in the space of a single year. I have now officially been a member of BZP for an entire year. Somehow that just feels wierd. A whole year?!?! That my friends is the longest amount of time I have stayed consistently on any website. In the space on one year my life has gone from relatively peaceful to mindlessly chaotic.


Here's a list of all my major accomplishments in my first year:


-Completed two epics

-Published more than fifteen stories

-Received 4th in EC7

-Entered RPG12

-Hosted four RPGs

-Played in numerable RPGs

-Robo bought me premier :D

-I am nearing OBZPC

-Received 4th in RPG12

-Was able to post RPG12 entry after Kittan dropped out

-Entered COTSSC

-Became a COT RPG Judge

-Made tons of new friends.


I would like to thank each and every one of you for making this site special. If only BZP can keep my interest for this long then BZP must be a pretty amazing place.


Thanks :)


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Whew, that is quite impressive. What have I got on my accomplishments?

- Several unfinished epics

- Two complete epics (Failures)

- Failure to commit to them

- Failure to actually start my new story

- Lost password almost immediately after joining

- First post was nearly a year after I joined, due to my forgetfulness



*Looks from own accomplishments to Exo's*

Curse you and your ability to commit to things!

*Hits Exo with a chair and runs*



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My year:

-rotted on BZP

-earned posts

-never opened ideas for RPGs to judges

-Never acomplished anything

-added peoplez to my friend's list

-plotted routes into area 51

-plotted torture for Exo

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