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Love Rivalries..

Boogie Monsta


Laughin’Man: So you want to marry my wife, eh?! *Headshot.*

Ferhago: *respawns* Not now! If she wasn't married, I would, yeah, you can't deny her awesome-tude.. But I'm not now. *aims shotgun down waiting for your response*

Laughin’Man: Oh

Laughin’Man: Well, you'd better watch it... *Reloads Imperialist.*

Ferhago: Don't worry, man. She's yours, you've waited far too long.

Ferhago: *BOOOM*

Ferhago: *click click*

Ferhago: That's for the headshot.

Ferhago: But anyways, truce now.

Laughin’Man: *Falls over backwards.*

Laughin’Man: x.x

Ferhago: Oh, come now, we were playing with more than one life..

Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*

Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*

Laughin’Man: That was for shooting me over the headshot!

Ferhago: *respawns*

Ferhago: *BOOOOM*

Ferhago: *click click*

Ferhago: *shields*

Ferhago: Oh wait.

Ferhago: *jumpy thing into the corner*

Laughin’Man: You know, I have this weapon called a Magmaul... Basically, if you pull the trigger and hold it down, it'll supercharge... And if you fire it at someone and hit them while it's charged, it'll set 'em on fire.

Laughin’Man: *Charges.*

Laughin’Man: *Aims.*

Ferhago: *jumps*

Laughin’Man: *Fires.*

Laughin’Man: Argh!

Ferhago: I've played Metroid Hunters, I know the weapons.

Ferhago: But nothing beats the ol' shotgun.

Ferhago: *dives and rolls*

Ferhago: *BOOOM*

Ferhago: *click click*

Ferhago: Hah! I'm ahead now! happy.gif

Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*

Ferhago: *dives again*

Laughin’Man: Ever seen what they call suicide combat?

Ferhago: We're playing on the magma field, rite?

Laughin’Man: You run up to your opponent

Ferhago: Like with the tower in the middle?

Laughin’Man: And fire

Ferhago: Getting close = shotgun bait..

Ferhago: *click click*

Laughin’Man: And not care at all how many times they shoot you, you just keep shooting them

Laughin’Man: Well

Laughin’Man: I'm not gonna do that

Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*

Ferhago: *splash*

Ferhago: Ow.

Laughin’Man: *Switches to Volt Driver.*

Ferhago: *respawns and grabs the 200 health yellow ball*

Ferhago: I luvs volt driver..

Ferhago: I always call it the gunk shot..

Ferhago: *click click*

Ferhago: *runs in*

Ferhago: *BOOOOM*

Laughin’Man: *Runs around you in circles.*

Ferhago: *click click*

Ferhago: *BOOOM!*

Ferhago: *click click*

Laughin’Man: *Jumps up onto a ledge.*

Ferhago: *jumps into air*

Ferhago: *hits jumpy thing*

Laughin’Man: *Dives and rolls behind a rock.*

Ferhago: *rockets across screen*

Laughin’Man: *Switches to Magmaul.*

Ferhago: *bounces*

Ferhago: *bounces*

Laughin’Man: *BOOM*


Ferhago: *on fire, but still living cuz he has lotsa health&

Ferhago: *click click*

Laughin’Man: *BOOM*

Ferhago: *BOOOM*

Ferhago: *dies from burn*

Ferhago: How many lives we playing?

Ferhago: We're both 4 gone.

Ferhago: And Julia said we can be friends again! =D

Ferhago: *surprise attack since you're just standing there*

Ferhago: *BOOOM!*

Ferhago: *click click*

Laughin’Man: Argh

Laughin’Man: Power went out

Ferhago: =(

Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*

Ferhago: Well, that's 5 gone from you..

Ferhago: Wait, how many lives were we *death*

Laughin’Man: =D

Laughin’Man: *Switches weapon.*

Ferhago: *respawns behind rocks*

Ferhago: *dives out, transforms into secondary, which is a sweet little kitty*

Ferhago: *rubs your legs*

Laughin’Man: *Turns into secondary, which is a waffle.*

Ferhago: *devours the waffle*

Ferhago: *transforms*

Laughin’Man: *Own'd.*

Ferhago: *digests*

Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*

Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*

Ferhago: *dives*

Ferhago: Aw.

Ferhago: Almost.

Ferhago: *splash*

Laughin’Man: *Hums Weird Al's Trigger Happy.*


Ferhago: *hasn't respawned yet due to not making it before the 15 seconds*

Ferhago: *respawns whistling Rock is Dead*

Ferhago: *BOOOM!*

Ferhago: *click click*

Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*

Laughin’Man: Hey

Ferhago: *dives behind*

Ferhago: *the pedestal*

Laughin’Man: What arena is this, anyway?

Ferhago: That magma one with the bouncy things in a chain and the big platform in the middle.

Laughin’Man: HAHAHA

Laughin’Man: I OWN AT THAT ONE

Laughin’Man: In the actual game

Ferhago: That's my field. too.

Ferhago: We've gotta fite sometime..

Laughin’Man: You have WiFi?

Ferhago: Yup.

Laughin’Man: And MPH?

Ferhago: Yup.

Laughin’Man: Yes, we must fight some time

Laughin’Man: Maybe a three-person battle with Avohkah Tamer

Ferhago: Kanden = My dawg.

Ferhago: *battle over*

Ferhago: Ferhago wins, 7-6!

Ferhago: =D





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When I have time, I'll try to play MPH with you, it's fuuun with lots of people. How good are you, approximately?


Also, do you have Trace yet? If not, I can get him for you by doing a one kill battle as him and letting you beat me. =)


~ :a: :t:

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