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How-to; Avoiding Bad Rping



I know I said last time that this one would be on godmoding, but recent events in an RPG led me to do this instead. Provided in convenient, "1-2-3-4" format;


First off, NEVER TYPE ANYTHING ALL IN CAPS LOCK. Even if you're just doing it to EMPHASIZE one word, it's an eyesore and annoying to most others.


Second, if you put effort into a character, don't make that character a comic relief character. We all love our Homer Simpsons, our Klingers, our Sokkas, but if you are going to make a multiple-paragraph description and backstory and then have them be a basic dunce without using wit, seriously, just make it generic.


Third, if you make references, at least make them good references and make them witty. Seriously, obvious and poorly-executed references aren't funny. Often good ones don't work too.


Fourth, don't envelope yourself in a nonsensical universe you made for your character. It alienates you from other RPers, somewhat killing the point of an RPG instead of an epic, and annoys people. And if you must, try not to make it too childish.


Fifth, try not to get too mature. I got a warning in one RPG for having a character fond of decapitating his enemies and then setting the heads on fire. But that's about all I can say without getting a warning.


Sixth, play along with others. Don't surround yourself with a group of NPC's, have some fun with other characters. My exception to this one is an accidentally self-imposed seclusion. For example if you're the only character on a two-sided RPG. Then it's fine. Ironically in that situation I often make a character on that side since the isolated ones seem to generally have good ideas and be fun.


Seventh, Do not, and I mean this, try to become the "all-maxed-out" character. Seriously, it's just plain asinine to portray yourself as the pinnacle of human society, and believe me when I say if you try to make a samurai out of your sorcerer, you can bet I'm using logic and having my swordsman cut him up.


Will update when I'm not tired due to the wind outside my house keeping me up.


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Guest kopakanuva13


Yay ^.^

I agree with basically everything here... I moderate a roleplaying forum elsewhere so I have to be good at it =P... You might want to add something about adding flaws to a new character rather than just strengths. It's somewhat annoying to see a bunch of characters like... "fast, strong, intelligent," "agile, strong, makes weapons"... And whatever else without any at least minor problems to the character =d

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I dislike it when people have characters who are perfect in every way. :|


And godmodders. Blehh, can't stand them.



I remember playing in a Roleplay on MSN with three other people. We (or rather, they) had decided that my main character would be the most powerful character of the four in the 'fellowship'. He would still be much weaker than the NPCs, though.


All nice and dandy.


After a while in the RP, one of the others started godmodding. Yeah, with his character, who was supposed to be one of the weakest.


So our characters frequently fought each other. My character always bested his, because I knew how to exploit his character's established weaknesses. :lookaround:


His character killed my character once (was resurrected later on, which was an exception), but he could only do it by shooting my character in the back of the head...



Ahh, fun times.

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A lot of my characters are fairly kick-butt, but they also have their downsides. Tro-Gon was prone to violence and was too reckless, Gorth Shasa was careful and hesitant to the point of negating his abilities, Fredrick Schiller was (intended to be) waaay too methodical (think Robert Muldoon in the Jurassic Park movie), and now Herman Bauer in the Heroes RPG is becoming paranoid and cautious so that he can not always defeat the trouble he seems to draw towards himself.


Also, even the most powerful characters can be used fairly. Superman does not always destroy things and defeat people with eyebeams, or do some other simple stuff like that. Being variable and creative with your characters can make things more even, cuz it looks like your character is actually thinking of a plan instead of just batting the enemy down with his mighty hammer'o'fist.



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