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Good News...?



Good news is I've taken photos of every member of the Toa team in my Epic-sort-of-in-progress. (Still trying to find time to sit down and write more. Their backstories are cool, I'll tell you that, as are the bad guys, and the setting is tropical like Mata Nui, so we'll have environments again !!! ,but I need to sit down and start typing, but I know I should do my homework first, though a friend said the best time you get writing done is when you shouldn't, so maybe instead of surfing the interwebs so often I'll sit down and write....) I also need to photo them all at once, in a nice "Toa Team pose."


Bad news is I'm struggling on names. But I've already blogged on that, got some advice, have a list which I misplaced somewhere of weird/cool things from a Maori translator, and don't want to dwell on that here, although that is the biggest bump before I can post them. Let's see...Le-Toa=Lekia, Ta-Toa=Kapiro, and...that's it. Oops. (They are the normal elements. Though a few days ago I realized it'd be awesome if Lego tried six of a different type. But no worries, a while back I decided the four villages on my island would be of other elements!)


Here's the advice I need right now: Do I post each one at a time, or two at a time? It's not like any advice in the topics I get will affect the MOC quality of the other Toa, so two at a time will limit that expectation. (Those comments will help later MOCing though.) Yet, if I post one a week for six weeks, that might help get my name out? But by the sixth week would people expect a Toa so much more awesome than the first? Probably. (Hehe, so I post them in worst-best order.) Also, it's not like I have a pic of two of them side by side; they are all individual. I'm leaning more to one a week; it'll be fun, and give me an excuse to post! (Problem is my Certavus MOC will come from my Ice Toa MOC, the similarities being torso and arms. Although I suspect only my true "fans" will notice, and they'll understand.)


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.


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The finer the line, the easier it is to erase.


*Acknowledges that I skipped commenting on the entry completely* :P


Alright, don't look at me when you wonder why you didn't get the memo of the oncoming invasion....

-CF :P

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Latin words? I sometime us this one translator but I dunno if it has forums or not and I really don't feel like finding out.

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Latin words? I sometime us this one translator but I dunno if it has forums or not and I really don't feel like finding out.

Nah, I really prefer the islander feel that has been lost. (My guess is that it is due to Maori lawsuit thing....)

I especially miss things like the a's, i's, o's and u's that used to be at the end of every name, and now most names end in consonants.

I already have a list of a bunch of Maori words and meanings, so I'll just toss some syllables around and see what sounds good. I'm not going for a literal meaning, but these will help me get inspiration.



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Release one at a time. That's what I'd do.


Of course then again, I'm just some insignificant member who has no affection to you whatsoever. *sigh*



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