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So apparently Watashi Wa is 1. removing people's opinions and 2. having no consideration for other members.


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Ah yes. That one topic in GD that WaWa closed.


So apparently the topic starter's point is proven because WaWa closed a topic that was obviously biased and directly attacked BZP's staff. What a good guy. :sarcastic:



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Some kid lost proto points for posting leaked pics, got angry about it, posted a topic to combat the rule that made him lose proto, and thus will probably lose more Proto. I mean jeez, follow the rules in the first place and don't attack our staff. And he said something illogical, basically "If you yell at me, that makes me true." No, no it does not. It means you are angering our staff, and that can lead to your banning. Basically, by his logic, if someone yelled at me because I slashed their tires, that means I automatically had a point to do it, and that I'm right.


The leaked image policy isn't going anywhere. And this kid apparently doesn't care about what Lego thinks of BZP. Hah hah hah. The reason we have this policy is because Greg Farshtey almost left because we posted leaked pics in 2006. He had written up large amounts of work, and Lego had produced a lot of teaser material specifically for us. For BZP. All that was ruined because of those pics.



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BatHero is actually a nice guy. Yes, he broke the rules and has to suffer the consequences, but judging by what he wrote in that topic, he didn't fully understand why we have a leaked image policy here. Not that justifies him posting the images.

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