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I have an idea for the next short story contest. It's supposed to be a love story, but I don't see why that can't include a romantic comedy. Anyway, I will be milking my character Triki yet again, if anybody still remembers him. (After all, I think all the people who adored him in my writings have left BZPower by now)


I wonder if anybody else will try to include comedy into their story, or if they'll all be sappy love stories. *I am kind of glad I'm not a judge this time around, as love stories aren't exactly my cup of tea, if you know what I mean*




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Hw many Twilight-alikes do you think there will be on the contest?


From what I know about the book, BZP Rules, and the fanbase, I'd say not many. :P


EDIT: Silly me, forgetting the formatting.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Hw many Twilight-alikes do you think there will be on the contest?


From what I know about the book, BZP Rules, and the fanbase, I'd say not many. :P


EDIT: Silly me, forgetting the formatting.


[-The Alchemyst-]

Taking the demographics of fan fic writers and the fact that it actually could, technically, meet up with BZP rules in really dumb ways, then yeah, I expect at least a few. Though here's hoping that people don't make Hewkii/Macku into Edward/Bella, since that's a crime against humanity.


Though yeah, my story, if I manage to actually make it, will probably end up being fairly depressing. Not exceptionally sappy, just depressing. Though I do wholeheartedly support comedy. Woohoo!

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Having not read / watched / associated with in any way or form Twilight, I wouldn't know how to write a fan fiction on it. Maybe...


"Oh, I know you're a Makuta, who's dark and evil and wants to take over the universe, but I like you anyway."


"It's called mind control. Now, go betray your brethren."


@ Snoopy: I already know the ending to your's then; everybody dies. :crying:



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