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Kulagi's Date



Read Kulagi's Date!


My first posted writing in a while, and it's for a contest. Even worst, it's for a romance story contest. Looking back, my best romantic coupling was between Kulagi and Sufina, so why not write a story about them? And because I don't do sappy "I luv you let's go over my feelings over and over" stuff, I decided to make it more of a romantic comedy, where everything that can go bad does. And since it's a comedy, why not include Triki, who gets the laughs out of any story (considering people actually read it, of course). I think this story is a nice combination of alot of stuff. Romantic feelings between Kulagi and Sufina as he tries to act smooth on his date; hilarity from romance-gone-wrong and Triki (who sometimes combines the two). Plus there's a short little action sequence at the end.


The odds are this will be quite different from most of the entries, and there's the chance that it might be disqualified because it's good enough to go in the comedy forum (considering the Comedy forum has any guidelines beside a word limit, which this story achieved tenfold) But, hey, I'm rolling with it. And I'd especially like comments, even if its just to say what I messed up on.


Anyway, thanks for reading. (Now it's your turn!)



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Alright, I read it and reviewed it. Hope you're happy. :P


Actually, it was enjoyable. Except for seeing "now" three times in one line. >.<

And the spanish being used in a Matoran speaking society.



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