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Summer 2009

Wrinkledlion X


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Though I don't think they're quite as great, overall, as the Winter sets, they look pretty nice. Let's see:


Mata Nui: It's a shame that there's no gold, but I'm still liking the look of him. Can anyone tell what color his eyes are?


Ackar: Still not a huge fan of him, but his color scheme is very welcome. I've yet to decide whether I like his Berix-helmet, and I wish the sword-thing wasn't silver. Good flame-piece, though.


Kiina: I like the prominence of the light blue and the new armor's pretty cool (Looks like it would do well on Gorast). The mask looks like a cross between Tuma and Vezon, but I'm not sure yet whether I like it or not. The new joints are awesome, of course, but I wish they didn't have grey Hordika necks showing like that.


Vastus: Vastus is very odd and I'm not sure about anything at all regarding him. His mask an interesting design and he has an interesting vine-snake aesthetic. Very exotic-looking. And that's all I know so far.


Gelu: Meh, mostly. He has silver where white would look better, but is that a dark blue head? 'Cause that'd be cool. I like his Hermes-wings, too.


Stronius: Best head out of all these. Very, very cool. My main worry about him was that he wouldn't look very Skrall-like, but he does. A very beefed up Skrall, but a Skrall. Of course, you guys know about my thoughts on clubs, so you know how I feel about them here. (Awesome.) Very rocky texture all over him, and a new torso as well.


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Uhm... A blog entry in all its copy-paste glory from the talkback? :P



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More helmets in more colors means more possibilities for MOCers, so I think that it's a blessing having an orange/red Berix helm. (Yup, it's dual coloured.)


Oh, and Mata Nui's eyes should be blue if I'm not mistaken.

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I'll give my take on them in you're style kind of.


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Mata-Nui look's really great. Probably my favourite Legend out of all of them. The yellow is very welcome, and I love how the colors look similiar to those on Toa Ignika. Very suitable color scheme, plus the only truly available one. I like his ankle guards too.


Stronius is my second favourite. His head has a great rocky texture just like his club and thighs, so he really looks like a Rock Tribe warrior (but that's mostly because the Legends are more elemental overall than the Glatorian.)


Gelu is my third fave. I like the ice tribe this year, but Strakk is just much cooler (no pun intended) than Gelu.I like how he uses the shield bits from Metus on his shoulders.


Aackar is fourth. I like his new recolors, and his color scheme like good old fashioned Tahu Mata. Very retro colors scheme here, which is really cool.


Kiina is fifth. I like her (I'm assuming it's a Female :P) colors, and the fins on her shoulder look very fish-like to suit her water association.


Vastus is last. Hardly any recolors, uninteresting new pieces, and just a blah design. Least favourite.

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What I don't like are the new arm joint socket things. They're okay, but is it really necessary to make the old armor obsolete? D:

But I guess if I look at it from an MOCing standpoint, they're not all bad. =D

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What I don't like are the new arm joint socket things. They're okay, but is it really necessary to make the old armor obsolete? D:

But I guess if I look at it from an MOCing standpoint, they're not all bad. =D

They're still using the old ones.



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