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February 15, 2008

DB4Z and I decided to bike through town a while again, and I really don't feel like summarizing it again.

B'sides, the highlight was, obviously, talking to Kirsten. xP

I had DB4Z call her first, to see if she'd pick up. She didn't, so I figured she wasn't home - but then she called back, and DB4Z told her to call me.

And, not prepared and kind of tired, I couldn't bring myself to talk. So he snatched the phone and did it himself, putting her on speaker at the same time.

Convo was something like this:

Him: "You know Nick likes you, right?"

Her: "Yeah...you told me that like 400 times."

Him: "Oh, well, I just wasn't sure you got it."

Her: "Yeah, I got it."

Him: "Well, he got you something. For Valentine's Day."

Her: "Really? Tell him that's really sweet."


The whole time, she was talking in a really shy voice, and it was obvious just how embarrassing the whole deal was.

I txt'd her almost immediately after:

"Sorry...that probably made you feel...awkward..."

"lol..um..... lol..... just a little..... :)"


DB4Z and I just rode around for a while after that.

It sounds like we're going to have a snow day now, so I can't give her the teddy 'til Tuesday. :(


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Why not just call? Why text?


Wow. I just reported 43 sigs all at once. My eyes are dizzy from scrolling so much.


BTW, just a question: How are the gas prices where you live?



~Terakk ;)

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Like I said, I was too scared to talk - I mean, I was literally petrified. I barely managed to get out "hi".


O.o I need to start helping you when you do that. Poor Terakk, scrolling through hundreds of sigs and reporting naughties. :P


Not bad...I can't remember the exact price, though. I have a gift card to Red Robin, and if I can get her to go out with me, I could take her there. =DD


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Lol, I used to live in Venezuela, where gas is 11¢ a gallon

BTW, nice AV


~Terakk ;)



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