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Status Quo



I will now list the status quo of BZPower.


-Agree-ers. These are people who will agree with everything LEGO does, not matter what.


-Disagree-ers. These are people who will disagree with everything LEGO does, no matter what. Also known as "complainers."


-Neutral-ers. These are people who will sometimes disagree and sometimes agree. Sometimes mistakenly labeled "complainers."


-Newbs. These are people who aren't sure of their BZP identity yet. Known to commonly inhabit Comedies and Artwork III.


-Spammers/Flamers/Trollers. These are people who live in their parents basement and have nothing better to do then to spam, flame, or troll on a BIONICLE message board.


-Old coots. These are people who constantly reminisce about "when BIONICLE was better (01-04)." Constantly bash the Whippersnappers. Examples include everyone who joined before 2004.


-Whippersnappers. These are people who constantly bash the Old Coots, and always complain about how stinky 01-04 were.


-Starving artist. These are people who post their art/mocs/stories but never get any replies. Examples are everyone in Epics.


-Staff. These are people with colored names and must be feared.


-OBZPCs. These are people who do nothing but report topics and sigs all day long, just to gain respect.


-Premier Members. These are people who are so nerdy they donated money to an online forum. Examples include me.


-Inflaters (Sub division of Spammer). These are people who post all day just so their post count will go up. Rarely contribute to the discussion at hand. Not to be confused with Post-oholics.


-Post-oholics. These are people with insanely high post counts. Examples include Adventurer, Air Spirit Lewa, and Kex.


-Dead guys. These are people who never posted. Examples include 35,000 of the current membership.


-BZ-Metru Story Writers. These are people who occasionally post BZMS chapters on 2/18/09


-Recluses. These are people who lurk and do not post. If you don't comment on this entry, you are one of them.


-Blog-oholics. These are people who spend too much time in the Blogs. If you are reading this, you are one of them.


-Anti-Bionicleites. These are people who only hang out in CoT, claiming that BIONICLE is now stupid.


-Losers. These are people who spend time on BZP. Examples include everyone.


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sta·tus quo


sta·tus quo


way things are now: the condition or state of affairs that currently exists



[From Latin , literally “the state in which”]

Not member groups. :P

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OBZPC also report news topics. :sly:


And you, sir, seem to be very pessesmistic. I applaud thee.




With pessimism comes humor.

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Perhaps hierarchy would be a better word.


I am a neutral blog-o-holic recluse. I would be premier except that I got the membership through a contest. :D


-Dr. K


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xDDDDD So true, but I'm OBZPC but I haven't reported a sig or anything in the past year or two.


Scanning in pics or news articles FTW.


Also Post-aholics should only be the staff because their posts are from closing moving etc, thus not spam at all. Air Spirit and Adventure I've both seen spam it up a lot. ;)


Also what about the good MOCist and artists? :???:

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I'm like almost all of those in one. :P



That merits the next category:


-Over-Achievers. The people who strive to be good at everything yet fall under their enormous load.

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Post-oholics. These are people with insanely high post counts. Examples include Adventurer, Air Spirit Lewa, and Kex.


What about TtW and me.. who you should fear? :evilgrin:

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