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You Guys Confuse Me



Am I destined to always be in the minority? Because going by the general census I've seen so far, you guys really don't like that trailer nor the upcoming movie for more than just the weird narrator.

Bwahaha, this is a crazy site.



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The problem with opinions is LARGELY based on past experiences.


One who hasn't seen enough movies in their life will think something is groundbreaking territory.


One who's seen TOO many movies in their life know exactly what to expect, who the creators are ripping off, what to expect from the music, etc etc...


It's all very scientific.

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That actually makes quite a bit of sense. Darn you science. :P

Also I think people forget this is straight to DVD video, so the bar isn't exactly set very high. I think this movie visually is doing very well so far for a straight to DVD. I still believe that it's a much crisper and cleaner visuals compared to the old BIONICLE movies, much like the new interfaces on the Apple and Windows Vista computers. But hey, that's experience to form an opinion, too.



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I'm guessing it'll be a poor quality movie overall, considering it's a movie about a toy line. Besides Transformers, I can't think of any examples where this has been pulled off well. But what I'm going to compare it to are the three previous Bionicle movies, which (face it) weren't very good and had sketchy animation at the best (even if they did butcher the storyline at times) This year, I think Lego's pulling their act together, so this will probably be the best movie.



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I'm only comparing this trailer with past Bionicle movies. Ergo, I like it. A lot. Then again, this is BZPower, and people who don't criticize everything usually are the minority.

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I'm looking forward to it! Sure the narrator is cheesy...but it's still looking awesome. ^^ BZPers are much too critical at times and forget the movie is kinda meant to be for kids in the first place...but I have a feeling it'll be good all the same. :)
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That announcer needs to be fired, but I loved the trailer.


Largely because the characters appear to be essentially set-style in their design, which immediately trumps just about everything from B2 and B3. (B3 especially; we had a year with pretty good-looking sets and then a movie that made everything in it look awful. This year we have pretty good-looking sets, on the whole, and a movie that's going to keep them that way.)


In my opinion, at least.

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That actually makes quite a bit of sense. Darn you science. :P

Also I think people forget this is straight to DVD video, so the bar isn't exactly set very high. I think this movie visually is doing very well so far for a straight to DVD. I still believe that it's a much crisper and cleaner visuals compared to the old BIONICLE movies, much like the new interfaces on the Apple and Windows Vista computers. But hey, that's experience to form an opinion, too.




I like it, and all it takes for me to like it is a good storyline really. I guess that's why I like Pixar so much. Anyway, GregF said it was the best storyline-wise, and I trust GregF. Besides, we know from the Glatorian promos that trailers are usually chessier than the final product. Finally, above all, BRING THE OLD NARRATOR BACK!



You cannot say that doesn't look cool.


Yeah, that looks cool. The main problem I have with it is the music.


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I'll say it again. I really doubt that guy is going to narrate the movie. It's just a promo trailer, nothing more. Is the usual trailer narrator guy in the movies? You know, the stereotypical one? No, don't think so. I'm gunna go out on a limb and say it's not that guy narrating. If there's any narrating at all, that could easily be the case.



EDIT: Oh, and I never said the old movies were bad. They're not. I'm just sure this will be good or gooder (:P) than before, animation style at least. Voices and story, we'll wait and see.

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I'll say it again. I really doubt that guy is going to narrate the movie. It's just a promo trailer, nothing more. Is the usual trailer narrator guy in the movies? You know, the stereotypical one? No, don't think so. I'm gunna go out on a limb and say it's not that guy narrating. If there's any narrating at all, that could easily be the case.



EDIT: Oh, and I never said the old movies were bad. They're not. I'm just sure this will be good or gooder (:P) than before, animation style at least. Voices and story, we'll wait and see.


I knew that, but the promo narrator isn't exactly my favorite anyway.

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whats so wrong with being in the minority?


i think the announcer guy was fine, and the movie isnt going to be awful. it wont be oscar-worthy, im sure, but it wont be bad.




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