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Do mi do mi do so mi do

Every truly cultured music student knows

You must learn your scales and your arpeggios

Bring the music ringing from your chest

And not your nose

While you sing your scales and your arpeggios


If you're faithful to your daily practicing

You will find you progress is encouraging

Do mi so mi do me so mi fa la so it goes

When you do your scales and your arpeggios


Do mi so doi

(Fast piano music playing)


do mi so do do so mi do (Repeat)

Though it seems at first it doesn't show

Like a tree ability will bloom and grow

If you're smart you'll learn by heart what every artist knows

Your must sing your scales

And your arpeeee ee eeggioooooooooos!


*insert pic of Toulouse and Berlioz bashing into each other's heads on the piano at the end*

There's your encore! ^_^

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