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The Bz-metru Story Chapter 19



Chapter Nineteen


Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it.

Edna St. Vincent Millay, Letters

US poet (1892 - 1950)



Black Six sat in his private office in the Admin’s Palace, wondering what to do. News of the victory in Software had elated him, but it seemed empty. Winning a forum was nice, but they had also lost three.


A knock came at his door.


“Come in,” said Six. TMD walked into the office carrying a bundle of envelopes.


“Here’re your PMs for today, sir,” said the Forum Mentor, setting the envelopes in front of Six.


“Thank you TMD, that’ll be all,” said Six. TMD left the office. Six pulled the rubber band off of the PMs and looked through them. Most of them were suggestions, a few were complaints, and there were one or two questions for Six’s blog.


There were two PMs that caught Six’s attention. The first was a standard battle report from Software. Six skimmed through it. At the end, he noted that munkeymunkey had signed the letter, not Toaraga.


The second had no return address. The address on the envelope was written in neat cursive handwriting. Intrigued, Six opened it and started to read.


To my dearest Black Six-


Hello, “friend.” It is unfortunate that I must come to you via PM, but it is the only way I can reach you without entering your tyrannical country. I heard that there are orders to shoot me on sight, but I hope those are not true.


I’ll be brief: The fortunes of war have smiled upon me. We have captured Artwork, we have captured BS01. Our recent loss in Software was a bit disappointing, but I did not expect to win every battle.


During the course of the latest battle, we have captured one of your top men. He is currently imprisoned at a covert prison, in a high security cell. If both you and he cooperate, no harm will come to him and he will back in BZ-Metru within hours. If, however, one of you should make things difficult, it might take months.


You must be wondering who this man’s name is. He is none other than your main general, Toaraga. It must devastate you to read that name.


I have three terms for his release: 1, you must surrender Software back to us, 2, you must give to us fifty percent of your arms and ammunition stores, and 3, you must allow for free trade between our countries. I know how much your nation has floundered, all because of the fact that we have the major seaport, giving us all of the imports.


Only if all of these terms are met will Toaraga be released. If you do try to rescue him, he will be dead before your rescue team leaves General Discussion.


I suggest you respond immediately to this PM. If I do not receive a reply in two hours, there will be terrible consequences. After such consequences have taken place, I hope you will see things my way.


Yours truly,



Six set the letter down, mind racing. How had Toaraga been captured? Why hadn’t mumu mentioned it in his report? What kind of consequences was Ninjo talking about? Most important, what in the world was Six going to do about the whole matter?




Six held his head in his hand, worried about Toaraga. He had called a meeting with three of his advisers, Valenti, Smeag, and EW, to discuss what to do about his general’s current situation. They had been at it for almost an hour and forty five minutes, and there was only fifteen minutes left to deliver their verdict.


The meeting had mostly been EW and Smeag arguing.


“I’m only saying that fifty percent isn’t that much. We’d still have plenty of weapons left. And besides, isn’t a life more important then some guns?” said EW.


“Yes, but EW, please, don’t you think what Ninjo is asking for is outrageous? We fought hard for Software, and he wants us to give it right back. That alone is too much,” replied Smeag.


“You’re changing the subject! I’m not talking about Software, I’m talking about our guns! If you would just stop disagreeing with everything you say, you moron, we could-” said EW, who was cut off by Six.


“Gentlemen, please! This isn’t the time or the place to be calling each other names. Look, we’ll take a vote. We don’t have any time for more arguing.”


“I agree with Six, let’s take a vote,” said Valenti, who had silent throughout most of the meeting.


“Fine, we’ll take a vote, but I demand it be secret ballot,” said EW.


Each wrote down their vote on a piece of paper and put it into a paper cup from a nearby water cooler. Six read each vote and announced the results.


“Three to one, we give Ninjo,” said Six. Smeag slammed his fist onto the table.


“You people are a bunch of cowards! We can’t just give into Ninjo and his evil demands! You’re all a bunch of cool dudes!” With that, Smeag stormed out of the room.


“Forget him,” said EW, “Let’s get our decision to Ninjo.”


They agreed to contact Ninjo via Email, PM being too slow. Valenti typed it on his laptop and sent it to Ninjo. They all anxiously waited for a response.


Finally Ninjo replied.


To my dearest Black Six-


I’m extremely glad you’ve seen things my way. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, we will be unable to release Toaraga for several months. I cannot give you the circumstances, as they would compromise security.


But I do thank you for the guns and ammunition, they will be greatly appreciated.


Yours truly,




Review Topic



Sorry if it sucks guys, I wrote it in a hurry and over the span of two weeks.


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You people are a bunch of cowards! We can’t just give into Ninjo and his evil demands! You’re all a bunch of cool dudes!” With that, Smeag stormed out of the room.


In bold.

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If I had bypassed it, the cool dudes part wouldn't be there.


Also, that was going to be part of another filter joke, but it didn't fit so I took it out. I guess I forgot to take that out.

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If I had bypassed it, the cool dudes part wouldn't be there.


Also, that was going to be part of another filter joke, but it didn't fit so I took it out. I guess I forgot to take that out.

That happened to me and it was changed.


So it was meant to be there? Funny!

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