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So It Ends



February 20, 2009
Worst Day of my Life

But it's time to face the truth
I will never be with you...

So the final part of the song rings true.

I asked her what she had meant when she had said just friends, and whether it was a hint or a cover, and she said that it was both. That was the end, right there.

After that, it was really just "put the past away" and forget the whole crush thing. And, though it's not really goodbye, when she had to leave, I knew that sealed it. It ended it. All I can do is respect her opinion. I don't want to weigh her down, worrying about me, or get her sympathy or pity. No.

I won't stop liking her for a long time, I bet...I can't. I love her. I can just stay friends and maybe, one day, she'll think of me as more than just a friend.

Me. What's wrong with me? I have self esteem issues. I hate myself because I curse. I'm a pervert. I disgust myself.

But I'm smart. I'm nice. I'm kind. I think I'm funny. I'm not bad looking, but some of the comments I get from people make me think twice.

So maybe I deserve this. Nothing in life has ever been easy for me. Maybe it's all a test, God's will, maybe there's a reason that I have to go through this.

As it stands, I'm crying right now. I feel something short of depressed. But I know that if you all hadn't supported me with this, how I'm feeling right now would have been a thousand times worse. So thanks, all of you.

Maybe...one day...


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Well, at least you have friends at your school. None of my real friends go to my school. My classmates are immature, perverted kids and each school day is a nightmare.


In fact, if it weren't for you, I'd be quite lonely.



~Terakk ;)

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If you think it's God's Will than you probably shouldn't be cursing... O_o


Better luck next time, mate. You just have to wait; not actively search for it.



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I'm incidentally going through almost the exact same thing as you, so I can understand what you're feeling, but don't beat yourself up about it. It doesn't mean that you're unlikeable. All it means is that this girl isn't interested in a relationship or simply doesn't share your feelings about her. The problem is with her, not with you. :)


As for my situation, I've liked this girl for about 3 months and have been dying to know whether or not she likes me back before I make myself look like a fool and ask her out without her returning my feelings. The day before Valentine's Day, my best friend asked her if she liked me (without my permission >_>) and she said "noooo, I don't want to sound mean but I could never like him". So I'm just working on putting those feelings away forever and I'm done with relationships for now. (As I put it in a text message to one of my other friends: "I'm done with love, every time I try, it screws me over. I'll wait until a girl has a crush on me for once.") I was sure I loved her, but it's getting easier and easier to think of her as just a friend.


...I just had to get that out to someone. Sorry. :P

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Well, at least you have friends at your school. None of my real friends go to my school. My classmates are immature, perverted kids and each school day is a nightmare.


In fact, if it weren't for you, I'd be quite lonely.



~Terakk ;)

Thanks. :) I have pretty much the same thing with my friends.


If you think it's God's Will than you probably shouldn't be cursing... O_o


Better luck next time, mate. You just have to wait; not actively search for it.



*grimaces* It's one of the things, like I said, I hate about myself. I keep trying to correct it, but I always fall into the same routine. I keep myself awake at night, wondering why I can't just be who I am. Who I was.


I'm incidentally going through almost the exact same thing as you, so I can understand what you're feeling, but don't beat yourself up about it. It doesn't mean that you're unlikeable. All it means is that this girl isn't interested in a relationship or simply doesn't share your feelings about her. The problem is with her, not with you. :)


As for my situation, I've liked this girl for about 3 months and have been dying to know whether or not she likes me back before I make myself look like a fool and ask her out without her returning my feelings. The day before Valentine's Day, my best friend asked her if she liked me (without my permission >_>) and she said "noooo, I don't want to sound mean but I could never like him". So I'm just working on putting those feelings away forever and I'm done with relationships for now. (As I put it in a text message to one of my other friends: "I'm done with love, every time I try, it screws me over. I'll wait until a girl has a crush on me for once.") I was sure I loved her, but it's getting easier and easier to think of her as just a friend.


...I just had to get that out to someone. Sorry. :P


That actually helps me a lot. The only real difference between your story and my story is that I liked her for over one and a half years, and that she didn't respond as quickly to being told I liked her.


But I'm not ready to let it screw me over, either. There are a few things that could happen, for me...


I fall into being a friend and I like it.


I fall into being a friend and I don't like it.


She winds up liking me after being friends.


Probably one of the first two. But, you know, I'm not ready to give up entirely yet. I wish I would sometimes, but I never seem to be able to. xD I don't have that kind of personality. Giving up's just not something I do.


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And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along


~Terakk ;)

Edited by Essenger
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Maybe God is putting you through a test. It might be for your own good, ?


It's happened to me before. (not what you went through)


I used to hate myself, I didn't know who I was, and now I found who I was, and no one else knows who I really am now. And some people, I don't want them to know. AM I CONFUSING YOU? :wacko:




And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along


*Runs frantically to check for replies to my SS*



~Terakk ;)


Not at all. It's easy to follow when you have no emotions.


Sometimes I overlook just how remarkably well a song goes with a situation, especially when it's one I listen to almost constantly. Thank-you for those lyrics.


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Hmm. It's not often you'll find someone just post info about their personal life. I don't have those sorts of troubles, probably due to that I have a fun life, I get to write, people get to see my work (you're the first, being the editor of KJ), and I have so many brothers and sisters, every day's its own adventure. However, I highly doubt it's God doing this. I think its just the course of life, and God's letting it run its course. However, I feel hopeless only when I've feel really ashamed over something, and I can't fix it.

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Well, move on. Be yourself. I really think, that with the possible incentive of her being with you, that you could probably kick the cussing habit, if it means being with her. I used to do it, but I realize now that cussing is just dumb; there's no point, there are tons of other, less offensive words. Fin a euphemism, go with it, shape yourself up.


To quote a poster I see at school a lot "Be someone YOU would be proud to know." :)


Oh, cheer up. This entry hath earned...


my approval! =D






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