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Dreams O_o



I had this really weird dream last night about G.I.Joes. O_o


Dunno what caused it, but it was really weird... like they were near a volcano, and then another guy is running from some other guys and he uses his phone to get a car [like in GTA IV]- specifically the Turismo from GTA IV [:P]- and drives away in this mountainous area... and then he's chased... and then... I forgot what happens after that. But still.


O_o 0_o o_0 o_O


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The Infernus is genetically superior to the Turismo. But no cheat for it equals fail D=




Yeah, but you can't really get it through the phone. :P

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Once I dreamed I got attacked by a giant mutated spider in a bike rack while taking home a date... :blink:


There was this other one, where I ate cereal in my dream, then when I woke up, IT CAME TRUE! GASP!

But the freaky part is that it was exactly the same brand, time, and placement as in the dream!


I also dreamed I was attacked by evil alien psycopods... :wacko:


In another dream, I knew I was dreaming, BUT I COULDN'T GET UP! I like tried so hard to get up, and I dreamed I actually did it like, five times, but then... I WAS STILL ASLEEP!

I know, right? I even tried peeing my pants to get up...


And the most disturbing of all is one time I drempt I was a girl.



The part after that was even weirder. I lest not to taint your brains with it.


EDIT: I just had the strangest dream... I was like, getting this treasure thing from these guys who stole it or something, and there was this really stupid girl. So, then, like, she infected me with this really weird disease thing, then I beat her up while screaming "MUURRDEEER!! :burnmad:"



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