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I Can Drive

ToM Dracone


This might feel more momentous if I had been wanting my license ever since I turned sixteen, but since I haven't, I'm unable to muster quite the normal level of excitement over this. Maybe it'll kick in in a few days.


The road test was also so quick and easy that at the end, I was left more stunned at how short it had been than at the fact that I had passed. (However, the examiner was this lovely kindly woman, so that was very nice. I had been afraid it would be some brutish drill-sargeant-type guy. More afraid of that than I was of the test, actually.)


But anyway, it's nice being able to drive myself places now. And not having to call my dad to pick me up or to worry about leaving him waiting... I think that's the best part, actually. It will make play rehearsal in Spring a lot simpler, too. And I can give people rides!


Whooo. Maybe I should do something to celebrate for the sake of celebrating this.

~ ToM


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I'm getting my license tomorrow, so I'm a bit freaked out about that driving test. I hear, like you said and from other people that it's pretty short and simple, but I don't want to get some drill-sergeant guy either. :fear:
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I believe I can drive.

I believe I can take a dive.


I think about it every night and day

Spin my wheels and drive away~


Except I can't. And I'm older.





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You don't have a six month can-only-drive-members-of-your-immediate-family-or-adults-older-than-21 period? In my state, it's illegal to drive around your friends during that time. Not that we didn't do it, we were just breaking the law. :sarcastic:



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You don't have a six month can-only-drive-members-of-your-immediate-family-or-adults-older-than-21 period? In my state, it's illegal to drive around your friends during that time.




In mine, too. My sister had to do that, but my brother didn't 'cause he was already eighteen.



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We have a restriction that for some period of time you can only have two people who aren't relatives in the car, I guess until you turn eighteen. I'm not sure. And I'll be 18 in a month anyway.


... which my friends -definitely- obeyed -all- the time after they got their licenses, of course...



Edit: Janus, dangit now I have that song stuck in my head.

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