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Winners Are They!



First off, kindly consider voting for me if you have not done so. If in fact you voted for someone else, put on some sackcloth and ashes. :)


So, quite a good contest this time around. Not a whole lot of entries, but not so few that there was no question as to who would be declared the winner. There were six entries, and…divide by two…no, three…


Anyway, I decided to instead follow my standard approach to these sort of things, which is to pit Roomba and Lluvio’s entries against each other in a SUDDEN DEATH SUPER JUSTICE MATCH! owing to their similarity, and then pick another winner or two from the rest of the lot.


So, Lluvio vs. Roomba. Entries here were weighed very scientifically, with points given for aesthetic quality, number of memes, and sheer LOLfactor. The other ones, not so much.





Well, Rembrandts these ain’t. But Roomba’s is more sloppily edited, and he didn’t pay special attention to the other people in the photo the way Lluvio did, so Lluvio wins this one.




Lluvio: Wrink’s old guy, Portal geeking, awesomeface, Bullet Bill, D*/WAAHT, catfly, Marvin, a fishy, a road sign, and that weird little Pokemon thing he used to have as his MSN photo.


Roomba: NO U, Weegee, awesomeface eyes, The Biting Pear of Salamanca (In Spanish, no less!), :3, Yo Dawg, All Your Base, FSM, a real live mudkip, shameless pandering to my Christian faith, and the Shooping of transparent orange chainsaws! Well!


Lluvio has the edge here on the more esoteric memes peculiar only to small portions of the internet. Only the awesomeface (and perhaps Portal geeking) is widely seen outside of BZP and our MSN convos.

But who says uncommon is good? Give me the mainstream stuff! Roomba wins this round.





I did indeed laugh out loud when I first saw Lluvio’s entry. After that, Roomba’s just comes across as a tawdry imitation. Sorry, man, but Lluvio WINS! 2nd place, that is. And a plushie. Roomba, we have a fake real Oscar statuette for you in the Losers' Lounge.


And now, the other contestants:


Xccj: What is that pink tubelike thing? And why are we clustered around it? Why is Roa’s Bugblatter Beast seeking vengeance? And why isn’t it Shubiduwahp sneaking up behind me instead, since he has a better reason? An interesting entry, but I’m afraid there are just too many unanswered questions. It reads like one panel of a comic strip. Incidentally, the Losers' Lounge has a wide selection of Pearls Before Swine comics.


Master of Ice and Sonic:

Yours was one of the simpler entries, but there is often great value in simplicity. Putting me in Darth Vader’s suit was an interesting move, and you chose your photo of me well. The transparent orange chainsaw Flair looks a little out of place, but it’s the thought that counts. Creeped out as I am by the implications of me in Vader’s suit and my freakishly long neck, I’m going to give you the plushie and 3rd place in the hopes that your entry will stop haunting my every waking moment.



Excellent choice of photo, and the background ain’t too shabby either. My gripes are two: First, the caption at the top covers my forehead. Second, the chainsaw. It’s puny. If I’m going to be all badbumical with explosions and shades coming up behind me, I’m going to want a larger weapon. Cags’s chainsaws are a good example. Good entry, but not good enough. Take a seat in the Losers' Lounge and enjoy your complimentary chocolate milk.



I debated long and hard whether to include your photo, but despite the fact that it flaunts all the rules, I’m going to award you 1st place and the plushie for just that, and especially for doing it with such a fine photo of Steve Witt. The transparent orange chainsaws are just icing on the cake. Which is a lie, but you probably thought that just as you saw the word ‘cake.’


Congratulations to our winners, consolations to our losers, and thank you for entering! Winners, your plushies will be PMed to you, where you can distribute them as you see fit. Losers, you can probably get the plushies anyway by scouring the BZblagosphere.


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You did not just place my in the Losers' Lounge. I am boycotting this blog for it's lack of appreciation for mystery.



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