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Weekly Update - 2/27

Black Six



Hopefully there will be some more meat for you here this week in our update.



So, the most important part of our Toy Fair coverage went up over the past week: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Check out all my amazing pictures! Thanks again to Julie and Lego for inviting us.


Also, the Glatorian Arena game has finally been released. Now everyone can go play and battle among the warriors. Be sure to log in to your Lego account if you want your progress to be saved.


Next, the promotions I mentioned a couple weeks ago happened last night. Be sure to congratulate Than: Matoran of Anger, ToM Dracone, and Sisen. I think we're plenty promoted for the time being.


The project that will take us offline is still in the pipe, maybe it'll happen this weekend.


Aside from all of that awesome stuff, things have been boring. ;)



First, the question: How many Interview submissions do you get each month?

I usually get between 50 and 60 submissions per entry period, which translates to 3-6 per day.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week, we'll see what next week holds!


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The thing is that all that stuff already happened. There is no meat here, just dry bones. :(


At least dance the Macarena for once, just to spice things up?



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I'll never get used to teal Than, and Blue ToM. I'm already used to green Sisen XP


Toyfair sounded like it was fun, and the pictures are plenty and great ^^

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The forum going offline a little while ago wasn't the update, was it?

No, we'll let you know what the update is when it happens. It'll be something that you're bound to notice fairly easily.

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The forum going offline a little while ago wasn't the update, was it?

No, we'll let you know what the update is when it happens. It'll be something that you're bound to notice fairly easily.

Yeah, I guessed that it had something to do with the hackers since it went offline several times and every time someone made a topic about a disgusting PM right around the same time the board went offline.



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