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Wad Pic!



Now in case you are wondering what a WAD pic is, it stands for "Work Almost Done", as opposed to a WIP: "Work In Progress". Anyway, here it is:




This is my first 100% custom torso, and I've gotta say, I like it lots! ^_^


It still needs a few tweaks, but it's pretty much done. Oh, and I need a name too... got any suggestions?




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Conceptually, I like it. In actuality, it's hard to say. Better photos would be good. Seems a bit inspired by Roa's style, eh?


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I really like it, although I can't explain why. :lol:


Maybe change the shade of green in the head? It's a lot darker than the lime and it clashes.

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Thanks guys! I hope to get the main pics up perhaps next weekend. Oh, and Winslow, while it may be similar to Roa's style, it certainly wasn't inspired by it. I just thought up of it on my own! :)



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Problem with it is that several things, notably the Metru shoulders on the thighs, completely draw and quarter the flow. Not that it has flow as such, due to being spiky, but that's an entirely different can of worms.
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First off, the legs are too small. Or short. Either way, they need more work. And I don't really like the tentacles on the hands. The head's nice. But really, the legs need a lot more work before I'd call this "done".

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Winslow, I'm sure what you're getting at. Could you clarify? And to Cags and P.Rymus, The legs are short for a reason. That's just how I wanted the MoC to look, it doesn't fit into human proportions. Also, I said this was a "word almost done pic" I'm not done yet! (though I don't really have much to change).



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Hey, I understand that not everything has to have human proportions. I'm just saying that currently, the length of the legs does not look good with the current build of the rest of the MOC. Especially since the legs are digitgrade. Digitgrade does not look good if it is not executed properly. Currently, these digitgrade legs look bad because they are too short overall. If they were longer, they would look better. OR, if you wanted to keep them as short as they are, I suggest you change them from being digitgrade.

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o_o You are like Microsoft. hypehypehypenoshow


Arms go like this: Messy with random tanks, cylinders, blocks, then messy again. Way too many textures in just the arms. There are tires, cylinders, Technic, and Bionicle. This angle also provides like no flow into the hands.


The body looks kinda jumbled and not smooth. The chest just out too far and there is a huge shelf. Pull the head forward or something. Waist gets really thing too. If you had Skrall I would say use that armor on the crotch. It may look good.


The legs are just like lolwut. The Metru shoulder armor is the wrong way and doesn't make sense. Overall they are too small and way too thin. Then the colors are opposite that of the arms and body. The Inika legs should be black and the system parts should be too. The bare socket joint should be covered and the Inika leg filled in.


Gagh maybe system is just getting to my head. ><

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o_o You are like Microsoft. hypehypehypenoshow


Arms go like this: Messy with random tanks, cylinders, blocks, then messy again. Way too many textures in just the arms. There are tires, cylinders, Technic, and Bionicle. This angle also provides like no flow into the hands.


The body looks kinda jumbled and not smooth. The chest just out too far and there is a huge shelf. Pull the head forward or something. Waist gets really thing too. If you had Skrall I would say use that armor on the crotch. It may look good.


The legs are just like lolwut. The Metru shoulder armor is the wrong way and doesn't make sense. Overall they are too small and way too thin. Then the colors are opposite that of the arms and body. The Inika legs should be black and the system parts should be too. The bare socket joint should be covered and the Inika leg filled in.


Gagh maybe system is just getting to my head. ><

Heh, how am I like Microsoft? I'm a Mac nut for pete's sake! :P But as to what you had to say: I agree with pretty much all of it, and I'm going to try to incorporate it into the MoC. But I've gotta say, I can't do everything! ;) And when you say that system is getting to your head, do you mean that you're getting sick of it? :P Thanks for the tips! ^_^



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o_o You are like Microsoft. hypehypehypenoshow


Arms go like this: Messy with random tanks, cylinders, blocks, then messy again. Way too many textures in just the arms. There are tires, cylinders, Technic, and Bionicle. This angle also provides like no flow into the hands.


The body looks kinda jumbled and not smooth. The chest just out too far and there is a huge shelf. Pull the head forward or something. Waist gets really thing too. If you had Skrall I would say use that armor on the crotch. It may look good.


The legs are just like lolwut. The Metru shoulder armor is the wrong way and doesn't make sense. Overall they are too small and way too thin. Then the colors are opposite that of the arms and body. The Inika legs should be black and the system parts should be too. The bare socket joint should be covered and the Inika leg filled in.


Gagh maybe system is just getting to my head. ><

Heh, how am I like Microsoft? I'm a Mac nut for pete's sake! :P But as to what you had to say: I agree with pretty much all of it, and I'm going to try to incorporate it into the MoC. But I've gotta say, I can't do everything! ;) And when you say that system is getting to your head, do you mean that you're getting sick of it? :P Thanks for the tips! ^_^



I meant like you hype your MOCs as if they are amazing. Then you hype them everywhere too. I've seen a multitude of posts and comments about your "amazing" WiP, and I got excited. I was hoping for a lot, and got this.


Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore. I am in no way sick of it.

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Bah, ignore Neaku about the system part. While system is great for smooth stuff and mecha, I don't really enjoy seeing it on spiky, jagged stuff like this, unless you count wing pieces or something.


That aside, my main gripe about this is that it's trying too hard to incorporate two things: lab monster and alien cyborg.


To be more specific, the legs don't work with the MOC, neither do the shoulder cans or whatever they are. Legs are first off, too short. Yes you've heard it. But I have a different approach. Treads. IMO, legs, especially digitgrade ones, clash with the feel of the MOC. They feel too beasty, and even if that was what you were aiming for, beasty doesn't describe this entire MOC. So why do treads work? Because they have the alien cyborg feel, which matches up with the rest of the MOC. It should feel very mechanical, very monotonic, like that eye. Cold, dangerous, emotionless, still, but dangerous, all at the same time. The other is those shoulder cans. What are they supposed to be? Ammo, energy, or some random alien wart? I suggest you either attach some gun to them or remove them altogether.



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Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore.


This comment kindof disgusts me.... :glare: How can you say that?


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Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore.


This comment kindof disgusts me.... :glare: How can you say that?

Because it's true?


Dunno, ever since I started using System, pure Bionicle just looks ugly.

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Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore.


This comment kindof disgusts me.... :glare: How can you say that?

Because it's true?


Dunno, ever since I started using System, pure Bionicle just looks ugly.

I know how you guys feel. Fusion/System is like a virus. A smooth, pretty little virus.


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I meant like you hype your MOCs as if they are amazing. Then you hype them everywhere too. I've seen a multitude of posts and comments about your "amazing" WiP, and I got excited. I was hoping for a lot, and got this.


Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore. I am in no way sick of it.

Hmmm... a multitude? Where? I can only recall mentioning it in my blog once and in Bunda's blog. Nowhere else that I can recall. Could you tell me where this "multitude" of comments where I refer to it as "amazing"?


Regardless, I don't mean to say that they are the most amazing thing ever built. I know there aren't anywhere near that!. I guess that in my eyes I'm really excited about showing off a new MoC which I have used new techniques in and that looks cool to me. I suppose that I shouldn't allude to WIPs anymore, and then I won't be able to let you down... <_<


I do find it funny how you compared me to Microsoft in that way though! ^_^


Bah, ignore Neaku about the system part. While system is great for smooth stuff and mecha, I don't really enjoy seeing it on spiky, jagged stuff like this, unless you count wing pieces or something.


That aside, my main gripe about this is that it's trying too hard to incorporate two things: lab monster and alien cyborg.


To be more specific, the legs don't work with the MOC, neither do the shoulder cans or whatever they are. Legs are first off, too short. Yes you've heard it. But I have a different approach. Treads. IMO, legs, especially digitgrade ones, clash with the feel of the MOC. They feel too beasty, and even if that was what you were aiming for, beasty doesn't describe this entire MOC. So why do treads work? Because they have the alien cyborg feel, which matches up with the rest of the MOC. It should feel very mechanical, very monotonic, like that eye. Cold, dangerous, emotionless, still, but dangerous, all at the same time. The other is those shoulder cans. What are they supposed to be? Ammo, energy, or some random alien wart? I suggest you either attach some gun to them or remove them altogether.

You make an interesting point here Zip, and I think that you are right on target. I am referring to the lab monster/ alien cyborg. I must say that I was going for a beastly look originally, but I really like your idea of treads... I will have to play around with that idea. It's kinda funny though; originally it was the legs which actually inspired the rest of the MoC! Also, the "shoulder cans" as you call them are tanks of acid which feed into his claws. I think they look pretty good for that purpose, but I can see how they would mess up the flow a bit.


Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore.


This comment kindof disgusts me.... :glare: How can you say that?

I agree most emphatically. :plain:


Also, no, I meant that system is amazing and sole Bionicle MOCs don't look good anymore.


This comment kindof disgusts me.... :glare: How can you say that?

Because it's true?


Dunno, ever since I started using System, pure Bionicle just looks ugly.

Yes, but some of use don't have the system collection that others do. You have to accept others with different styles than yours. It's like art. For some a beautiful sculpture of hundreds of years ago is vastly superior to modern art. In reality, they each have their strengths and weaknesses, and even though one artist might prefer their medium of expressing their imagination, they are both works of art no matter what they each think.


I think I need to rephrase my blog entry. This is now a WIP pic! I need to do some major tweaking on him; thanks for the suggestions! :)



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You have to accept others with different styles than yours. It's like art. For some a beautiful sculpture of hundreds of years ago is vastly superior to modern art. In reality, they each have their strengths and weaknesses, and even though one artist might prefer their medium of expressing their imagination, they are both works of art no matter what they each think.

You don't have to accept anything about them, other than that they exist, really.


And no, they're not necessarily works of art. To me.


Which is the whole point. I'm not going to waste time appending "but this is just my opinion of it" to every post I make, because I'm right.I may be a tad too sarcastic here, but I'm mostly serious. Also stop with the retardedly long posts or I shall simply block you. Bonesiii is not a good example.

Bah, not like I'll change anyone just by saying so. Make ugly stuff if you want to, I'll simply not look at it, and let that be the end of it.



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Make ugly stuff if you want to, I'll simply not look at it, and let that be the end of it.

I would appreciate that, thanks. <_<



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