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That Was As Much Unexpected As It Was Expected...



Just read the new rule Hahli Husky posted in the Library. I know I'm about a week late, but I don't really check that forum as often as I should, and I'm a common voice here on this kind of controversial stuff, so I figure what the heck.


All I'm going to say is I don't get it. Can't we all just go along with each other's ideas and quit arguing?


That is all. No long-winded rants as usual, as I don't want this getting closed up and all. If you want to have a debate on the subject or hear my thoughts in-depth, then feel free to IM me if you have my AIM, or, if you don't, PM me asking for it and I will give you it. Or you can just ask in the PM, but I find IM works better if you want a debate.


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All I'm going to say is I don't get it. Can't we all just go along with each other's ideas and quit arguing?

That would be so wonderful. We wouldn't need half the rules we have if the world at large could just learn that trashing someone for having a different viewpoint only makes a mess of things where there was absolutely none in the first place.


Unfortunately, many people have yet to learn this basic lesson. Sigh.

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All I'm going to say is I don't get it. Can't we all just go along with each other's ideas and quit arguing?

In a perfect world. . . :rolleyes:


I'm as mystified as you are that this world isn't like that, but we just have to accept it. Under the circumstances, the new rule, unfortunate though it be for freedom of artistic expression, is both necessary and wise. -_-



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...What new rule?


Basically, a rule recently got passed banning homosexual love stories in the stories forums. I'm not gay, but all I'll say is I don't like it. See the entry if you want to know how to hear my thoughts more in-depth.

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I am all for the new rule. BZP isn't the place for that kind of stuff.




Yes, really, this is a children's forum, after all.



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I'd prefer to keep it in PM, but after seeing Lyg's blog entry on this I think it may be possible to keep it clean enough not to be closed. Do you gentlemen want to try or should I just PM you?

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I'd prefer to keep it in PM, but after seeing Lyg's blog entry on this I think it may be possible to keep it clean enough not to be closed. Do you gentlemen want to try or should I just PM you?

If you preferred to keep it in PM, then you shouldn't have made the blog entry and allowed comments.



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I'd prefer to keep it in PM, but after seeing Lyg's blog entry on this I think it may be possible to keep it clean enough not to be closed. Do you gentlemen want to try or should I just PM you?

If you preferred to keep it in PM, then you shouldn't have made the blog entry and allowed comments.




I detest when people make an entry and keep it locked, so I left it open. I was actually planning to not comment and wait for you to log onto AIM and have it then, but Snoop I don't know the AIM of. Can we please not change the subject though?

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To be honest I doubt many people would want to read stories like that, or write them without the specific intent of stirring controversy. I just hope people don't start writing stories that are borderline on the rules like they do in art.

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To be honest I doubt many people would want to read stories like that, or write them without the specific intent of stirring controversy. I just hope people don't start writing stories that are borderline on the rules like they do in art.

That's right, because BZP is made entirely of straight people, eh?




BZP is made up of people from the itnernet. That's lots o' people actually--African, Caucasian, Asian, etc.


AND preferences, mate.


I suggest that you think before pressing the 'send' button next time, mate. ;)

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I just wanted to make a point--this rule was created because people refused to be nice and get along. We're not condoning intolerance at all; we made the rule in an effort to prevent it from continuing any further.
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I just wanted to make a point--this rule was created because people refused to be nice and get along. We're not condoning intolerance at all; we made the rule in an effort to prevent it from continuing any further.


I just don't get why you just banned gay stories though. It seems kind of unfair to the members who aren't straight that heterosexual love stories are allowed, but homosexual ones aren't.

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It's a pretty controversial thing.




There are 9-year-olds on this site.


There are plenty of other places on the internet write that kind of stuff.

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What do nine-year old's have to do with it? Romance is romance, straight or gay. All I'm saying is it should either be both ways or not at all.

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I know that, but there a lot of people that will flame the writers of the gay love stories. Granted, there are still people who will flame romance stories in general, but a whole lot less.


And parents' religious beliefs might have something to with it as well. :/

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True, although, to be honest, the only way I can foresee that changing is for it to be allowed, not shunned.

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True, although, to be honest, the only way I can foresee that changing is for it to be allowed, not shunned.


That is true.


But the main objective was to cut down on flaming and the like. Not find a solution to make everyone happy.


=/ I don't really agree that it should be shunned either, but they needed to find an effective way to reduce sed flaming before it got out of hand.


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I understand that. All I'm saying is it's kind of unfair to just block out the homosexual half. If you're going to block one out, I'd say it's only fair to block both.

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True, though I do think it's possible with enough support, so I figure I may as well make clear where I stand on the rule.

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I just wanted to make a point--this rule was created because people refused to be nice and get along. We're not condoning intolerance at all; we made the rule in an effort to prevent it from continuing any further.


I just don't get why you just banned gay stories though. It seems kind of unfair to the members who aren't straight that heterosexual love stories are allowed, but homosexual ones aren't.

Because it's not the romance that is people are making controversial, it's the homosexuality. Yes, the fact that people are getting up in arms over it is a shame, but we can't help the reactions of the membership, and we need to do what we need to do to keep the peace.

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