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This Is Seriously Not Cool.



I cannot talk, eat, laugh, or even just swallow without experiencing a sensation as if I'm swallowing a Thornax whole. It's not funny. I need my voice. I need to be able to communicate with people. Especially in Spanish class. The whole point of that class is to speak Spanish. More importantly, it hurts to laugh, which really sucks cuz I laugh a lot.


My mom even let me out of going to basketball band tonight, which is serious cuz she hasn't let me before and tonight's the playoffs. Or one of 'em...there's another game tomorrow. Mayhaps I'll feel better then, mayhaps not.


So. It. is. NOT. funny. Not a joking matter. Got that?




Also, dadgum it, my brain hurts and I have another English assignment due Friday. I've basically 'finished' it but it sounds pretty lame even to me. And I really need to keep my A or my parents will murderalize me. ._. They freaked out when I got a B in Spanish at quarter. AT QUARTER. It's not even the end of the semester yet! SHEESH. They know perfectly well that I enjoy Spanish, do well in Spanish and can easily bump it back up. It was a HIGH B. GEE. *coughhack*


On a side note, I reorganized those scripts, Lady K, and I even gave them nifty randomish names! :D But you aren't online, so I can't show you. Baaaaah. And the only one of my school friends who is ever online isn't replying to my IM's. Boo.;;




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Umcka cold medicine might help. It's always seemed to help me when I have a sore throat.


It's ok. I got a super high B in a math class my sophomore year, and my dad wigged out, even though I told him that it was like a 88.72% B, not a just scrubbing in at 80.01% B. And if you have a B now, I'll bet you can get it up to an A by semester for sure.

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When I have a sore throat like this, I take plenty of throat medicine, and I also take colloidal silver hydrosol. It helps to kill off the bad virals and bacteriums without taking a toll on you like antibiotics. This supplement is available at any natural foods type store in the supplement dept. It comes in a bottle, and is a clear liquid.

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Hope you don't have strep.


Lucky you don't have the quarter system. If you got a bad test grade, you're screwed for the quarter. Basically, it's the semester system but cut in half. So I got a C in Math because of the first two tests first quarter.

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They're fussing at you for a B...? Dx


*hughug* that throat stuff stinks so bad...just take medicine and all that like the others are suggesting.


Sorry for not being on! Last night I was away at churchly (lol) stuff. I'll get on in a minute, then we shall discuss the awesomeness of stuff and eat chocolate so you will feel better. :)

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