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Mystery Date

Roa McToa


I may have finally found what I am looking for....


I recently met a local man named Dean. he is 33, and has a 6 yr old daughter (so awesome!). We met over the weekend on an online dating site (this was the first time I ever really signed up on one of those)


So he saw my profile and emailed me. Turns out, we have met in person before. He had come into the tool rental to rent the Golden Egg from us (its a giant beefy drain auger for sewer pipes) After looking at his pics, I recognized him immediately. We really didn't get much of an opportunity to talk at the time.


Well, now that we have been talking for the last few days, we are a tad smitten with eachother. Right now, he is in Mexico at his Cabana in Puerto Vallarta with his daughter visiting family during his 2 week off cycle from work on the slope. He works on an oil rig, and does a lot of mechanical work, and general maintenance. Must be nice to work a 2week on 2 week off schedule and make 100K a year...


He is coming back to Seward tuesday night, and is going to come into the shop on wednesday. If I am fortunate, Rolf will let me go and spend some time with him on a long lunch, or leave early from work. Dean is only in town a few days before he has to return to the slope for another two weeks, so we will try and make the best of our first few days.


I am really crossing my fingers on this one. He could be the real deal! Destiny has thrown us at eachother for a reason, I think its time to find out why! :3


Wish me luck!




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Get some good perfume and a nice outfit! Best of luck!


EDIT: Bah perfume is for wimps. Even if I did use perfume, I think I'd still end up smelling like my old house. LOL

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He wants to build a lego model really badly. He thinks it is so awesome that I am so into Bionicle and Lego. He was an avid builder as a child. I will do my best to bring him outta the dark ages (chances are he will be diggen it hardcore!). Who knows, if things really work out, I might not be going to conventions alone anymore.... :3


He does a lot of really cool stuff, and we share a lot of interests.


And yes, Hat. Hat indeed. LOL at least he has a full head of hair, unlike the last one :o

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Also remember, hat is a strong word, use it wisely.


Also dark ages, bring that up too. x3

Yes, yes, I would have to agree with Neaku here. Dark Ages, yes indeed.


Good luck!


- :l: :flagcanada:


Edit: And it's your hundredth entry, 'tis perhaps a good sign!

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I really think he is the real deal. We are becoming more smitten with eachother every day, and we like a whole lot of the same things! Much love! I am so in like with him! I cannot wait to see him face to face wednesday!

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Massively Zeddy, Massively!


This guy is a keeper methinks, and I feel that I will know for sure when we meet. He woo's me with sweet lovements daily, and speaks of trust and companionship in a way that makes me melt inside and get all gooey.

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