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I Has A Glatorian!



(A Glatorian I has)


So, guess the color anyone? :rolleyes: ...


Green you say? WRONG! Mwahaha! I gotcha thar! :lol:




It's white. And blue. And spiky. It's Strakk! Why Strakk you ask? One word: Certavus. Yep, I am planning on entering, and I needed some ice themed pieces, so... you get the picture. I wanted to get Metus as well (super cool snowflake thingy! :fear: ) but Target didn't have him (for once, couldn't you have them all?! :angry: ). I'm still gonna be lookin' for his little Agori companion, as I would love his ubber cool mask... er, helmet I mean. :P


As to my thoughts on Strakk, he's ok, but I really dislike the fact that he has a mega sized axe, shoulder armor, and then a rather small head that juts out annoyingly far. Also, his color scheme is a bit mismatched. Two shades of blue? It's cool, but dark blue just doesn't associate with ice to me. Oh well. I don't really like him as a set, but he's got some nice pieces. His hands, armor, and Thornax launcher to name the main ones.


Interestingly, in just about every other pair of pages in the instructions, all of the dark blue pieces are depicted as purple. It was so annoying reading it, seeing as those pieces looked rockin' awesome in purple! Get the colors right LEGO! Has this happened to anyone else? Also, his helmet has an interesting stripe of blue running down the middle of his face...


Also, as a little FYI, I know that I said I was taking a break from around here, but I just wanted to come on and tell ya'll about my most recent purchase. I'm still... breaking... or something... ^_^




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Signoff: NO.

Thoughts on Strakk: YES


Though I don't plan on owning him, I have my thoughts. And I agree that the dark blue is mismatched with the light blue, annoyingly. (They should have just given him all sand blue!) Though Kiva changed my mind that dark blue can't be an ice color. Or at least it can be with someone who doesn't have any elemental powers....


I bet you'll be able to do some really cool stuff with the shoulder pieces and stuff, so he's probably not that bad a purchase. And that blue head will come in handy in the contest.



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You're entering too? Good luck, I guess we'll be rivals. I already have Strakk, he doesn't appeal to me. But I'm a collecter, so I guess it doesn't matter. Good Luck, and the entry submision ends at the end of March.

If you need him, get Metus. The snowflake and helmet will be of good use to you.

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