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Put Up Your Fists!



Well, I went there for fists.


But, a few hours later... I don't know.


As usual, I just don't know.




I guess I just can't pass a deal up, even if it THOROUGHLY derails getting parts I needed for half-completed mocs.


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twss @ bunda


Jinz, what are you even going to use half of this junk for? o_O



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Those long slopes... I was on there all night looking at dozens of stores trying to find the cheapest possible items under the search parameter "Supports"... ... ...then I happened on those and thought, "Oh, snap! Cheap elevation!


Likewise, those parts would come in handy as outer covering for a giant robo I'm makin'.


The fists will have to wait.


Besides, Lego hasn't made them in black (ARGH!) and none of the sellers had them in lime (AAAARGH!)


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I'll give you all of my fists. I have no lime ones, but they're yours if you wanna trade.


Interesting, interesting.

Anything you were looking for in particular?


I do admit though, I'm a guy who keeps the most ..."awful?" parts around, knowing there'll be a use for them in the far future.


Man, you make my buying a bunch of those big Vader helmets look smart.


Like heck I do! lol


That part is AWFUL for mocing!


I've come CLOSE to using it... but just never finished anything I'd worked on.


However now that you brought that part's existence back to my brain, maybe I'll go ahead and execute one of the ideas.

There's better parts available today that help the original configuration not look ridiculous.

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Man, you make my buying a bunch of those big Vader helmets look smart.


Like heck I do! lol


That part is AWFUL for mocing!


I've come CLOSE to using it... but just never finished anything I'd worked on.


However now that you brought that part's existence back to my brain, maybe I'll go ahead and execute one of the ideas.

There's better parts available today that help the original configuration not look ridiculous.

I still have the plans lying around in my head to use that for a snail shell. I think I discuseed it with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, when you still had AIM.

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When you say fists, are you talking about Glatorihands? They make those in lime green?


JINZO, one of these days you'll have so many pieces that you'll have to build a gigantic robot to do your bidding. Then you'll look back and say, "I sure am glad I bought all those pieces when I didn't mean to."

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I am actually in the middle (more like 10%) of my biggest moc ever.


If I'm lucky / clever enough, it'll be done this year lol.


And then... there's 2010. Some on here might know what I'm referring to but to sum it up... I'm going to have many, many parts.


Still, even with a lot of parts, it doesn't mean mocs will be any better than they already are.

Oh, I'd LOVE to make a moc that is 6 feet tall and serves drinks, but dude...


...I just do NOT have the patience or the mechanical reasoning to sit down and learn the language of Mindstorms. :D

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Well, I've been looking for a white Hau for quite a while now (read: forever) and other masks are good, too. I suppose I have two red hands, four white, four tan, four mata blue, two dark green, and four Keetongu yellow. Finding them could be a problem, but anything for you, Jinzo :wub:

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