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S S C Prizes

ToM Dracone


Now that we've finally gotten a few things resolved, I thought I'd share with you guys what the First Place prize in the Short Stories Contest 5 will be:


1388 Huki and 1390 Maku, the Tohunga from the 2001 McDonald's promo, MISB.


Second and third place are being resolved. HH and I are still investigating things for these.


(I don't get to use this category often enough)

~ ToM


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Excellent! I was hoping for a Toa or something, but considering I have no sets from 2001-2004, I would be grateful for anything! I hope I win...BTW, I have a suggestion. How about, for second place, Jaller. And for third place, a Kanohi Kaukau. Just my suggestions.

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I suppose I should mention once again that yes we have decided what the other prizes are; we just have to finalize them.


If you feel like donating something, that would be totally awesome, but if all you have is a suggestion... frankly they get a little tiring after a while. No offense intended towards the people who have offered ideas; ideas are great, but seriously, we've known what we're doing for a while, okie? ;)

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Maybe you should say that the second, at least, is still being purchased, Tiomé. :D And the third one is being chosen from our own list of ideas.

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Now I hope I get second or third. Or a special award for flaunting the conventions of romance every which way.
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I think I can spare something for a prize . . . I'll PM you momentarily.


Anyway, awesome first place prize! Now I really hope I win [even though I rather doubt it].

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Awww! What a cute prize! <3 Hewkii and Maku.


Not that like, I'll win, but I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner when I was wondering what you guys would do.


HH/ToM, if worse comes to worse and you can't find any decent prizes I could do a drawing like last time or something. I'm sure most people would prefer rare set stuff, but I'm just keeping that offer open just in case, you know. :)

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I was sort of hoping the first prize would be something like a Toa or maybe a Titan, but I guess Huki and Maku are good (although I already have them both).


Now I wonder what the second and third place prizes are going to be.



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