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I was just looking at the Google ads on top of my Blog entries, and they were ads for political stuff! Wow, that was unexpected. Although I did say Capital Hill is a place where evil people go...


Anyhow, my friend Bahrag Kal is having computer troubles, meaning his computer died and he's gonna be out of the loop for a while. That's a bad thing, for a lot fo reasons. One, he'll be bored to death, two, he won't be able to visit here, and three, he might not be able to start the new RPG he was planning. Not gonna tell you folks what it is, but I'll be comanaging it.


So, the other day, last week, we get this safety lecture over the speakers in homeroom. We're told to report anybody suspicious and tell a teacher or staff member, etc, and be a good student. Pfft. I'm expecting by the end of the month, me and every other metal fan, outcast, person who dresses in black a lot and unpopular kid will be reported. Sheesh. It's like every time there's a school shooting, people get suspicious of anybody who isn't popular or is actually unique. I mean, they're going to install checkpoints to search us for dignity and individuality by next week..............

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