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Cleaning Up!



Anywho, me is sadded. :( My results came back, and they were dismal. For my final performance, my GPA fell from a 3.9 to a 3.8 (3.865 but I'm not rounding up), with 4 B+s outweighing the A and Distinction. At least my Final Year Project got the A, so I'm happy for that bit. Ah well.


But, at least I did myself proud for the two-and-a-half years before this. My lowest grade was a B, and that was just one in a mix of As and Distinctions. That was my lucky scrape, I guess. With 23 of 32 (flip-flop!) modules having an A and above, I'm happy that it's been a good run. I may have ended crashing down over the finish line, but I ran the race well. :)


Now it's time to clear up the Epic Critics Club, after that server wash-out. Not a lot was saved, but I'll see what I can do. Thank goodness I had a copy of an update in the laptop! :o


And now I'm at work (my first day was yesterday), but out of work. My boss had a cold and I sat down next to her for the majority of the day. The next morning found me with swollen tonsils and a leaky faucet for a nose. The boss gave me two days off, but I feel a fever sitting in. Bleh!


All right, to bed and to sleep. It's another day for you and me in paradise... :music:


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