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Song Update



For everyone waiting breathlesslessly for the new song to be released... sorry, I'm afraid your face will just have to get a little more blue. The song release has been postponed until later this year, to the second half of the year. Something about getting maximum impact for its release, which is understandable.


I haven't heard it yet, but I understand it's yet another good Cryoshell tune.


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Oh yes, the CD :P Well, if the CD is released around April approximetely, I may have enough Cryoshell until the new song release. However, I don't get the maximum impact part. Aren't 4 months really enough?

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Honestly I think releasing it sooner would also have a lot of impact, due to fan hype. :P But whatever, I don't mind the wait. I just hope it's not just gonna be on a CD.
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No way. I don't want to wait that long. What happened to having two songs released?

You're not dead yet, so I think you can go on a little longer. :P


As can I, for that matter. ^^



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Gotta love the music industry X3.


But, seriously, that totally makes sense. I just hate having to wait for my musics D:

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Honestly I think releasing it sooner would also have a lot of impact, due to fan hype. :P But whatever, I don't mind the wait. I just hope it's not just gonna be on a CD.

Cryoshell's a pretty new band, and they don't have an all-too-huge fanbase. A song they can put on a nationally-televised commercial is an effective way of hitting the airwaves, and tying it to a brand-new LEGO product will probably bring them both fans and finances to carry on with their music. Besides, they already spent time rerecording their older tunes for the CD, so we might as well enjoy that when it comes out and keep on waiting for the new song.

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Aw. I was rather hoping Lego had dropped the whole song thing.


Oh well. Look like the people here are looking forward to it. :)

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Cryoshell's a pretty new band, and they don't have an all-too-huge fanbase. A song they can put on a nationally-televised commercial is an effective way of hitting the airwaves, and tying it to a brand-new LEGO product will probably bring them both fans and finances to carry on with their music. Besides, they already spent time rerecording their older tunes for the CD, so we might as well enjoy that when it comes out and keep on waiting for the new song.

True. When I said a lot I meant for a BIONICLE song, wasn't really thinking about anyone outside the fanbase. =/

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At least we finally have some info on the song. Too bad there's only one, though. And what's the point of buying a Cryoshell CD if you could just download their songs for free on bionicle.com?


Thanks, Bink!

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