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The Compulsory Introductory Entry

Danska: Shadow Master


Yeah, for those interested, I've finally gotten off my lazy backside and written a blog. I thought it was about time I took advantage of the feature.


Why did I really make a blog, you don't ask? No reason really, other than I thought it might be interesting. This is my first experience with blogs, so don't expect anything too fascinating or meaningful.


I've been a bionicle fan right from the word go. I still remember being astonished at just how tall the Toa Olda were, towering above the Slizers. Things really have changed since then. I guess there are some similarities between my life then and my life now. For one, when I got into bionicle I was just about to start secondary school. Now, I've just started sixth form. My interest in Bionicle is one of the few things that has really endured since then, and it would seem that both it and I have matured since those early days. Once, the story was a simple tale of collecting masks to defeat a greater foe. Now, the foes are not always in plain sight and objectives less clear. Comparing MoL to WoS is an obvious way to show the increase in maturity, with MoL being obviously a kids film and WoS being much darker and more sinister.


In my early days on BZP, I was very different to who I am now. I was incredibly spammy, like many in those days. I find it quite embaressing to see some of my early posts. Once I'd got 'settled in' you would frequently see me in the top 10 posters list, with most of those posts being meaningless. Now, I expect I would easily make a bottom posters list, but I like to think that what I post is a bit more meaningful.


Where is this going? I don't know. These are just some of my thoughts on me, BZP and bionicle at the current time. I'm not expecting anyone to find them especially interesting, but they're there for anyone who wishes to read them.


Well, that's it for meaningless thoughts for now. In the meantime, I would like to point anyone reading in the direction of my kit. I put a lot of work into that, and still am. I would appreciate people's thoughts and views on it.


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There's a lot going through your head, isn't there? Your first entry was interesting, and I hope you put more of your thoughts down on blog (instead of paper, get it?). See ya.
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I still remember when you were Deadly Kanohi Master ...


It's good to know you're still around, although I can relate in that I've changed a lot since I first joined, too ...

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Much goes on in my head, yes. The majority of it useless, I must say. I'm hoping a blog will be useful if I ever want to try and unclutter my brain. Perhaps writing things down will help a bit.


Oh yes, I'm still around ToM. Logging onto BZP has become a difficult habit to break. It's not that I enjoy it, honest! Why would that ever make me come on here?


LEMONS! *runs off happily*

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