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Cream And Fruit-filled Pastries



In the comments for yesterday's entry, I recieved an unusual suggestion from one Pohatu: Toa Of Electronics. Being the kind of guy I am, I decided I'd follow this advice for today's entry.


Personally, I can't stand sour cream...or mayo for that matter...there's something about the texture that just doesn't sit with me when I'm trying to enjoy my food. This is probably also caused by the fact that no restaurant is able to include this type of condiment without lathering it on as though it were some kind of meal in itself. There's something so wrong about biting into a sandwhich, burrito, or taco and feeling the innards slide out on a bed of white dressing. Because of this, not a fan of those. However, Cream Cheese (as used in cheesecakes) is alright in my book.


And, oh boy, fruit-filled pastries. I have to tell you, the highlight of my school lunch at least twice a week was the little pocket-pie that they included as a dessert. There was a light glaze, and usually they had strawberry or blueberry inside. Those of course are my two favorite berries. I wish I knew what they were actually called, as then maybe I'd be able to buy a few to include with my meals at home. Other fairly delicious fruit-filled delights would include strudel (not to be confused with strussel as I came to understand), actual fruit-pies, and jelly doughnuts.


Well, that about wraps up today's entry. Sort of an interesting aside into an otherwise pretty casual blog. Maybe I should do stuff like this more often.


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Only way I will eat mayonaise is if its blended with tuna fish from a can. I won't ever eat sour cream.


But cream cheese on bagels, that's where it's at.

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Simple, just tell 'em to go easy on the sour cream, and problem solved.
In my experiences, "lite" on anything usually ends up being the same amount. Mostly because people are creatures of habit, and will usually mess up and put the usual amount on. I worked in foods for a long while, and made the same mistake enough to know that it's usually easier to tell them to just hold it.


Oh, and who puts sour cream on a sandwich, anyway?
That was more in a reference to mayo, which falls under the same problem as sour cream.


But cream cheese on bagels, that's where it's at.
Having a vegetarian for a mother, I came to appreciate the spreading of peanut butter on bagels. And now that I'm buying my own food, I've come to further appreciate it as a low-cost alternative to meats as a daily source of protein.
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