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Might Be Stepping Out Of Bbc For A While



It's really getting to me that so many half-baked MOCists are getting infinite praise, when so most of the actual good MOCists don't get the recognition they deserve. With that said, I don't know when I'll next go in to BBC.


I know I should try to fix it or some such thing, which I have tried to do with my reviews. They generally get ignored or buried, or both. At this point, it seems like the best thing I can do is ignore it. Don't expect any reviews from me for a while, but I might if I pop in sometime and see something that catches my eye.



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This isn't in any way linked to my banning rite?



Make me a Certavus?

I wills.


This isn't in any way linked to my banning rite?

Wait, you got bant?

Silly, read his blog. =O


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Seriously... what's with all the drama surrounding BBC? Why can't people just build MOCs without worrying about how many reviews they get, or worse, how many reviews other members get?


Most of the members here are much younger than you and I... what do you expect? :unsure:

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Laka, you better not stop building and posting. I will always review anything of yours. If I don't see it, just PM me. Besides, wouldn't you like one or two long reviews than twenty one-sentence-or-less-spammy reviews?


And, why should it matter if you get reviews? You know you're a good MOCist - that's all that matters.


And, keep giving reviews to help others to become better, too. Just try not to be rude. State what you don't like, but in a kind manner.

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Seriously... what's with all the drama surrounding BBC? Why can't people just build MOCs without worrying about how many reviews they get, or worse, how many reviews other members get?


Most of the members here are much younger than you and I... what do you expect? :unsure:

Meh. I don't think we see it the same way. I'm here on BZP for three things: Blogs, BBC, and The Official Pokemon Topic. If I'm not happy with the way things are in BBC, it's a big deal to me. Since I'm not happy with it, I'm just going to stop using it.


Laka, you better not stop building and posting. I will always review anything of yours. If I don't see it, just PM me. Besides, wouldn't you like one or two long reviews than twenty one-sentence-or-less-spammy reviews?


And, why should it matter if you get reviews? You know you're a good MOCist - that's all that matters.


And, keep giving reviews to help others to become better, too. Just try not to be rude. State what you don't like, but in a kind manner.

There's no way I'm going to stop building cuz of it. I might stop posting things in BBC, but I'll still be using my blog, and I'm sure people can still find me on Flickr and other sites. Long reviews are good, but sometimes they get tooooo long.


Reviews are pretty much the whole point of posting a topic to me. I actually think I'm a mediocre, at best, MOCist.


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Laka, you better not stop building and posting. I will always review anything of yours. If I don't see it, just PM me. Besides, wouldn't you like one or two long reviews than twenty one-sentence-or-less-spammy reviews?


And, why should it matter if you get reviews? You know you're a good MOCist - that's all that matters.


And, keep giving reviews to help others to become better, too. Just try not to be rude. State what you don't like, but in a kind manner.

There's no way I'm going to stop building cuz of it. I might stop posting things in BBC, but I'll still be using my blog, and I'm sure people can still find me on Flickr and other sites. Long reviews are good, but sometimes they get tooooo long.


Reviews are pretty much the whole point of posting a topic to me. I actually think I'm a mediocre, at best, MOCist.


I still think you should continue to post in BBC, because you will get some recognition. Remember your Tahu Nuva MOC? Two pages. That's a lot for a single MOC [usually that only happens for a topic of MOCs that go along with an epic or something].


Are mine too long? =P I seriously want to know. I don't mean for them to be so long, but I just end up talking about everything [see my latest review for ~GBG~'s Certavus].


Well, if you give reviews, you'll get reviews. I remember that 'Writing Tip' by Hahli Husky in her blog. It's the same thing in BBC as it is in the library. Review and thou shalt receive reviews. =P And, I'm sure that you'll get at least ten reviews - at the very least. Just post your Certavus MOC when you finish it, and see how many reviews you get.


And, sure, maybe you're not the best, but you're one of the better ones out there. And yes, I consider you an MOCist. An MOCer [i said this in my blog] is a random person who basically puts two sets together and calls in an MOC. =P Someone who's at least pretty good [and I like your stuff] is an MOCist - that's how I see it, anyway.



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Reviews are pretty much the whole point of posting a topic to me. I actually think I'm a mediocre, at best, MOCist.


Hey! If it makes you feel any better, I think you're better than a mediocre MOCist. I mean, come on, you've got a ton of really neat stuff.

But yeah, don't worry 'bout the BBC. There are tons of other places.

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Join the club. BBC used to be my home but now I live in Blogs and COT.




This is what is disturbing me the most.

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Another Certavus in the BBC this morning, Piraka torso on "custom" legs. This subforum is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The topics are extended gutters and the gutters are full of superfluous emoticon use and when the topics finally fall past the revival limit, new ones will take their place. The accumulated filth of all their toamods and one-word reviews will foam up about their waists and all the newbs and egotists will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."
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Join the club. BBC used to be my home but now I live in Blogs and COT.




This is what is disturbing me the most.

Waaaaaai? ;_;


Which reminds me, I need to repost my batterfly, etc...



Edit: Epic. Arples. :U

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I thought you already withdrew from the BBC, Laka.

Don't know what you're talking about. I stopped MOCing for a while, but we all know how well that lasted.


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I thought you already withdrew from the BBC, Laka.

Don't know what you're talking about. I stopped MOCing for a while, but we all know how well that lasted.





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I'd ignore it. Then you'll never think of it ever again. :bigsmile:






You don't even go on BZP anymore. xP


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