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I Forgot.



Yesterday I was renting Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and Bolt (not for me :P).

So I was checking out and the one lady was like, "Can you tell me something, is there no school today?"

I'm like, "I'm not in school..."

"Wait, how old are you?"


"You look so young!"

Other lady, "Oh your, so and sos son."

"Who's son."


"Oh his brother..." My uncle is known to go around the stores and get drunk.... That's what they meant.

"Well you look so young! You're going to be carded so much when you buy alcohol." Which I won't buy alcohol but...

"You'll like it when your older, people will still say that about you. Unlike us who look old."


XD That happens to me so much....


Oh and I got $100 in the mail, another stipend so I can use it towards my bill.



What else was it...




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Well my story is that I used to get cofnused with my mom on the phone because people thought I was her.

Nowadays they mistake me for my dad. -.-

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That's quite funny, they always think I'm my dad when they call.

They're like you sound like your son, to my dad, after I give him the phone. It makes him mad, "He sounds like me.", is what he always says.

I actually pretended to me my Mom the other day when someone called to find out what they actually wanted. Turns out it was just a bill collector, time not well wasted...

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Lulz whippersnapper.





Also, you got my vote. And I usually don't vote without requests, either, so that's saying something.



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