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Musical Mayhem.



Wooow, busy first days of April.-.-


So, alongside all the everyday catastrophes that are my life, Thursday I woke up and couldn't stand up straight. My dizziness had returned full-swing. I was sick to my stomach. So my mom fed me and my brother breakfast, dropped my brother off at school, and drove me to the doctor's. By the time we got there, first hour was over (which was bad, cuz I missed ensemble practice). Got looked over, got blood drawn and all that, got some medicine to try to help, drove to school cuz I had the KMAT, Kansas Math Assessment, today and I didn't want to have to come in after school sometime to do it. Had lunch, didn't collapse but felt awful, took a Spanish test and then went home, missing P.E. and Chem. Friday, got up and felt okay, at least I didn't feel like I was going to faint. Had a fairly normal day, save realizing I had missed a Chem lab and was totally lost and confused. After school, had a meeting of my peace club, AmJam, took one of the AmJammers home, went to my house, did some homework, and then crashed. Saturday, try to sleep in, fail, get dragged out into the woods where it was coooold and started feeling sickish again so went home. Finished most homework. Showered and ate lunch. Got dressed up for the local Solo and Ensemble Festival, at which I was signed up to play in a REQUIRED percussion ensemble that included everyone from first hour band; had to get there half an hour early. Found group. Was asked "What kind of woman are you?" because I didn't know how to tie a tie. Wore a tie cuz it was fun and all the guys were doing it and I'd never worn a tie before. Dragged tom drum down the halls with the ensemble minus one to wait. One member didn't show up, so one guy texted her. Turns out she got lost, as in totally and hopelessly lost. The festival was in a different school district that ours...but...yeah. We ended up waiting two hours for her. We played our piece an hour and a half behind schedule. Did reasonably well. I'll get the rating on Monday from the band peoplez. Then we went to Sam's Club, got full off samples of about fifty types of cheese, picked up Chick-fil-A for dinner cuz we were too tired (Mom and Dad were at the high school the whole time with me cuz it's far enough from our house that it wouldn't be worth it to go back, and they wanted to watch anyway). Came home. Crashed.


Oh yeah, did I mention that Friday night I had an emotional breakdown after Dad got mad at me, grabbed me by the arm and started hauling me to my room? I was genuinely scared. But the breakdown wasn't really cuz of him, but more because of the fact that I am sick of being invisible. I am sick of people treating me like an animal. Sick, sick, sick, and I told him so, and he apologized for getting disproportionately angry. Oh yeah, and I -nearly- finished this one art thing I've been working on forever, so I'll finally be able to move on to the projects I SHOULD have been doing MONTHS ago.




On a side note, I'm also sore all over. But optimistic about our ensemble, I think it went fine, but it was hard to tell cuz the room we played in was all echoey. The xylo the school provided was weird. Yeah, I guess you were right, LK, I did fine. Not as good as I could have been, but fine. The nice thing about waiting two hours for our final member to show up was that I got a chance to relax before playing...I was very jittery during the car ride there. Like, my body was on hyper-fright mode but my brain was on "Meh, I'm tired" mode. Blah.


Also, girl tuxedo shirts, even if they are your mother's, are ftw. Especially black ones paired with a bright RED tie (not mine, the head of the ensemble's >.>) and strappy black shoes. And yes, the shoes were actually mine.^.^




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To be fair, I still have very little idea of how to tie a tie. I wear one like, once a year.

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Gah, Raia we really need to do something about Mutran. He's fueling all my bad luck into you. Praying for yah, if you wanna talk bout it we can over IM sometime, I'm all ears.
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